These guys keep going up and down, up and down on this guitar....
it's on sale again this week only for the quot;cheapquot; price....
If ya get a good one, it's a helluva guitar for the money....I'm still kicking myself for sending mine back...
Can always send it back....
I want one of these!!!!! I'd buy one of each colour if i had the cash.... saddly by the time i pay in Canadian money, pay for shipping and Duty tax..... it is not worth it for me...
I'd REALLY like to get another. I have to say as much as I've liked the last 3 Les Pauls I've owned (2 Standards, and a Classic), The Deluxe I had before that was def the best sounding one outta them all (and all 3 of those were quot;good soundingquot; Les Pauls).
But I just ordered a couple hundred bucks worth of pickups and stuff for the Firebird, so I'm gonna hold off.
ooooh minis!!
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
Crazy Price fluctuations at MF again...LPD