
okay in my search for guitar straight to board sound i just have one last puzzle piece to solve.

ive decided to go with guitar-DI Box-mixer/computer.

when i was experimenting i ran guitar-effects pedals or a processor-mixer/computer (unbalanced 1/4 in) and if anything was connected between the guitar and the mixer i would get a really bad 60 cycle hum.

im positive it is a 60 cycle hum. i did some experimenting and i have tried all the suggestions from another post i had and it still happened. i know for a fact that it is 100% electrical. the only thing that stops it, is too unplug the AC power supply to my pedals.

if i go guitar-effects/processor-DI box-mixer/computer will the DI box take care of this hum or should I purchase a Hum Eliminator as well?

say a...
from : localhost/

and possibly a...
from : localhost/for all the help.


ps- this is an awesome place... its a great reference tool and it has saved me A LOT of money! Money I would have spent on things that would not have worked out in the end. But on the flip side it has cost me a lot of money too. THERE ARE JUST SO MUCH COOL GEAR ON HERE.... Gas attacks 24/7!

yes, the di box (if it has a ground lift available) should take care of all of your ground hum (which I believe is your problem)

I agree with Capo, if you get a good quality 'Active' DI, with a ground lift switch, your problems should go away, or at least be managable.

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