
anybody have one of these?

i heard it's supposed to get you a better tone but not really sure what it does

I haver a n old one. If I'm correct, all it does is phase correction in the upper frequencies. I like it. It gives you more detail and clarity when used properly.

I had one, 422 IIRC... more detail and clarity, a bit more definition in the lower registers... just overall a bit more polished and more aggressive.

Used correctly, of course

Yeah its good for distorted tones. I find it sounds horrible on clean sounds. It also compresses your tone somewhat so thats something else to think about.

Originally Posted by vinterlandYeah its good for distorted tones. I find it sounds horrible on clean sounds. It also compresses your tone somewhat so thats something else to think about.vinterland,i love your avatar

No, no, no...

If you need to use one of those, you have the wrong amp, IMO.

Originally Posted by elvhfanvinterland,i love your avatar

thanks bro!

I love the BBE and I have been using it for the last 20 years. It adds real punch to your sound. It works on both high and low frequencies. It eliminates crossover distortion. I have one on my rack and on my stereo. I also use it when doing A/V captures from my DVR to my Macintosh. It makes 128bit 44khz sound samples sound huge and clean.


It makes the distortion/overdrive on my amps more brutal. I put it in the effects loop of my Marshall Valvestate VS100, and now my JCM800. I use a tubescreamer in front, and it nails a Megadeth type tone. Without it the bottom end can be a little flabby and highs too smooth. The BBE Sonic Maximizer makes everything more clear

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3No, no, no...

If you need to use one of those, you have the wrong amp, IMO.


I had it on my amp for a bit, liked it a first, then kept tweaking it, then dumped it. Couldn't get passed the grainy processed tone. A parallel (or series, not sure which one) effects loop would be useful for it though. (effects loop with an knob that control's effects level)

It tends to make cheap, ****ty amps sound better... but honestly; if they were soooo great, why do literally no albums get recorded with them (that have good tone)?

So your position is that the BBE is garbage and nobody with a decent sound uses one? What stirs this passion?


Originally Posted by idsnowdogSo your position is that the BBE is garbage and nobody with a decent sound uses one? What stirs this passion?


I just think that if you need to use one, then you're probably not playing a very good amp.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3It tends to make cheap, ****ty amps sound better... but honestly; if they were soooo great, why do literally no albums get recorded with them (that have good tone)?scott ian uses em. hes got good (album) tone

I am actually a very big fan of the BBE. Its not the be all end all product, but it is useful when used correctly. I disagree with you on this one DSS, plenty of guys with good amps use these. Very useful tool.

I definately see the usage for live performances as it packs more punch and clarity. In the studio I wouldn't use one considering the plethora of outboard gear and or plugins that are used to do about the same thing.

Thats one hell of a point...duh! Why didnt I think of that.

All it does is delay the lows and mids a bit so that your notes don't arrive before the high-end snap that should accompany them. Think of it as a transient re-aligner that compensates for the high-frequency delay introduced by most speakers. I find it makes the most beneficial difference on live sound speakers with deep throat horns.

Here. from : localhost/Skim though the sale-u-speak until you get to the pics.

I hated it in my guitar rack. I used to use one in the studio quite a bit on the final mix. It seems to make a big difference but it really just boosts the hell out of the volume and bass freq. I am not using it much anymore for anything.

I personally like mine a lot. I use it as the end stage before the power amp. It tightens up the bass end response and works great as an EQ (but you can't dime the thing). I've found it works best in small doses.

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