
I've been looking for a new tube amp for a quite some time, and this one seems to have what I need and be in the suitable price range. Does anybody have any opinions about it? Any comparisons to other amps? Any other recommendations in the same price range, keeping my location (= Finland) in mind? Thanks!

Well with the right cab those are great amps.

Originally Posted by RidWell with the right cab those are great amps.

Oh, I forgot to ask in the earlier post, but what would that be? Anything to avoid or look for?

Don't use Laney cabs
Get something with G12H's in, they sound rather well with Laneys.

I have tried one of those with a Marshall 1960A cab, sounded awesome. Great amp, especially in the UK, where it costs next to nothing.

So a G12H would be a good one, isn't it the one supposed to be a cross between a greenback and a v30? How would those fare with the amp? Are there any cab manufacturers equipping their cabs with G12Hs?

Thanks guys, anyone else?

The other guitarist in my band has one with the matching 4 x 12 cab. It totally kicks a$$. When it gets loud and the tubes are cooking i can't believe the price

Originally Posted by Mr WolfThe other guitarist in my band has one with the matching 4 x 12 cab. It totally kicks a$$. When it gets loud and the tubes are cooking i can't believe the price

Really? What speakers does the cab have? Celestions or H/Hs? How would you describe its sound, what kind of music do you play? How loud is it?


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