ok.. for a srv/blues tone, what would be better for a $1,000-1,500 price range? i was thinkin about a new american fat strat because i like bridge humbuckers better than single coils, or maybe the srv strat if it sounds anything like he does... lol. i was also wondering whether g and ls are a better buy. the commanche looks good but alittle out of my price range.
i also was thinking of spending maybe 750-900 (or less would be nice too) and putting all duncans in for the pups.
One of these threads always pops up. I think compared directly, Gamp;L's are far superior guitars in their design and construction, and feel. Afterall, it is simply the evolution of Leo Fender's designs. You can say Gamp;L is quot;more Fender than Fenderquot;.
thanks, im still debating whether to get a guitar with a floyd next to satisfy the evh sound im after, or to first get a strat to satisfy the srv tone im after.
I think you can get a S.R.V. tone out of either the Fender or Gamp;L but, stick with single coils, humbuckers won't work well for the tone you are seeking.
I love the tone of my Legacy. Gamp;L are great guitars, and with the pickups in mine, I'm a very happy boy. Covers most things bluesy and rocky.
My vote goes to Gamp;L. I prefer the Gamp;L, S-500 over Gamp;L's other strat style guitars. The pickups are powerful, and sound great. Sprinter
As far as the SRV fender goes, I owned one for a while. Loved the look (after replacing the pickguard) and the neckshape/frets, but couldn't live with the tone. For some inexplicable reason, the SRV has a pau ferro fingerboard (a wood SRV never used), and as a result, sounds like a maple board strat, only a bit brighter. I personally didn't like the pau ferro tone at all. my SRV also had a fairly heavy body, and the combination of the weight and the pau ferro made it a bit bright and unmusical.
I've since checked out an SRV with a lighter alder body, and although it sounded warmer, the pau fero board still made the overall tone weird.
For an SRV tone, I'd go with a rosewood board strat with a medium/light alder body. Possibly the best option may be the new John Mayer model, which is basically an SRV with a regular trem, rosewood board and custom pickups. Unsure about price on that one.
Gamp;Ls are great guitars. It all depends on how anal you want to be about SRV tone. Gamp;Ls have various design refinements which take their models away from the classic strat tone in various ways.
Originally Posted by Hot _GritsFor an SRV tone, I'd go with a rosewood board strat with a medium/light alder body. Possibly the best option may be the new John Mayer model, which is basically an SRV with a regular trem, rosewood board and custom pickups. Unsure about price on that one.
Gamp;Ls are great guitars. It all depends on how anal you want to be about SRV tone. Gamp;Ls have various design refinements which take their models away from the classic strat tone in various ways.
i was seriously thinkin about the john mayer strat. but whats the deal with those big dipper single coils? it says its got scooped mids? thats weird. id have to try it out. for 1,400(mf price) im not sure id want to replace the pickups immediately. id have to try some more g and l's. srv is like the ideal sound for me right now. im generally just looking for a nice blues sound, but i will take what i can get keeping price in mind. if i try a nice gamp;l i may just like its feel and sound so ill go for it. i was just wondering how the two compare. even if thers another brand who can make a nice strat sound ill be willing to try it out.
Most of the American Deluxe strats feel like 'the perfect strat' to me. If you find one used, it's about the same price as buying a new Am Std.
If you are willing to spend 1000-1500 on a guitar, I HIGHLY recommend a Don Grosh Retro Classic. They are the best strats I've had the priviledge of playing and will make you glad you didn't get a Fender or Gamp;L. The necks have a vintage, broken-in feel and the pickups are solid from the start (although I swear WCR quot;SRquot;s are the best strat pickups available, period).
Gamp;L Legacy Special is way better than the standard run-of-the-mill MIA Stratocators and a whole lot better than MIM, MIK, MIC strats.
However, any custom shop Strat is way better than a Gamp;L.
I have a large collection of Stratocasters and have tried many more than I care to speak about.
yeah im definitely gonna try out the gamp;l's. any opinions on those big dipper p'ups in the jm strat?
I bought the first Gamp;L Legacy I tried after playing a bunch of strats. It's a 1991.
the_Chris's suggestion is definitely worth looking at IMO.
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
fender vs Gamp;L