Like many techs .. I end up w/ lotsa dead and or unwanted pup's .. some die from blood sweat and beers ... others seem to just pass away while sitting in the box, or case for no apparant reason .. if they could only talk!
anyway ~gt; while I was clearing out my dead pup drawer it dawned on me to take a couple w/ one dead coil and combine the 2 working coils to see what happens ..
So, I took a double cream DD and an EVH ~~gt; each w/ one good coil .. and built it up using the baseplate and magnet from the EVH ... I was worried about noise due to how unbalanced the coils are ... but wow .. this thing sounds KILLER! and not noisey at all .. surprised me!
it still has a nice PAF voice to it ... but its top end is more present and the bottom end is tighter .. nice chug and chunk ... and the harmonics just jump out w/ great overtones .sorta like the EVH on 'roids. leaves me a little wanting on the clean channel ... but I'm not one who really likes the clean/bridge combo anyway ...
currently in my Gibby flying V ... measures 12.15K ... and so far I am diggin it!
which magnet did you use, the ceramic or the Alnico II?
I had Jon Moore purpose-build a hybrid for me, 6.7k screw coil (#43 wire), 4.5k (#42 wire) slug. It's the best bridge pickup I've ever heard in my life, and not just because of the hybrid design but the man has a touch -- the mids are complex and quot;completequot;, no holes, no peaks.
I call this pickup he made for me the quot;Big Dogquot; because it barks like a German Shepherd but with very clear, detailed top end. The quot;overwound PAFquot; tone of my dreams.
I have a more thorough review in here and at Harmony Central.
Benjy ...AII mag from the EVH .. I was try'n to keep it a little mellower than the DD's tend to be IMO.
and Z! ~gt; that rules ... the handwound stuff is KING .. and there are several cats making some amazing pups these days no doubt! .. sounds like you got a quot;keeper!quot; sweet.
I was thinking about switching the leads to 4 wire so I could split it ... using the hotter coil for a strat type thing .. but I got lazy and anxious, so, I skipped it ..
That sounds awesome. How well does it compliment your neck pup (and what neck pup is it?)?
I hope Evan is watching this one. Sounds like it would make for a killer production model. Sound clips?
I wish I could do clips .. but my recording abilities are limited at the moment .. I'll will admit I can't wait to record w/ it ..
I am using a seth in the neck .. and it's a tad smooth in comparison .. but they REALLY sound terrific combined now that I've got the balance worked out between them .. I like a real smooth neck pup too ... so this pup combo might just stay put for awhile! woohoo!
My V has been in parts for a couple years ... sad I know .. but this .. and a bunch of work I put into it.. has really got me fired up on this guitar again.
I've got a feeling those talented cats @ SD have tried almost everything ..
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
EVH/DD hybrid quot;unbuckerquot; roadtest ~gt;