目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Hi, I'm creating a roster, using the values quot;Aquot; quot;Bquot; and quot;Cquot; for the different
shifts and I would like to be able to give each value the numerical value of

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I tracked changes on a worksheet, however when I email it to some one else
the track changes no longer show. Is there a way to always view the track

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I have a computer that will not open and load an Excel spreadsheet when it is
double-clicked on from a windows browser.

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I have a spreadsheet with numbers with dashes in them (5124-01 or 92653-856).
Is there a way I can delete the quot;-quot; from the cell without editing every cell?

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Is it possible?

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What I have is a pre-built workbook with multiple formulas. I have had to
add extra rows in to fufill my needs. The problem is that when I try to drag

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I try to reference another (merged) cell on a different page in the workbook
(Example: (cell on sheet2) ='sheet1'!b1:b5) to a cell on another page which

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What are the big advantages of Office 2003 over Office 97. I am mainly
interested in Excel, Word and Access functions/advantages.

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I have 18 projects that each have 39 jobs but only need this information for
meetings. I need a spreadsheet where the info won't get lost or seem

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Good day to all,

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i have the stadard excel worksheet up , now in line A i have prices all the
way downfrom 1 to 1000 all diferent prices. now i want to add a persentage

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I need some help working with times. I need to be able to add up times

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Im new to the excel program

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How can I get the pivot table and the pivot chart to print on the same page
if they are made seperately?

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If I want to merge a quot;Company Namequot;, quot;Phone Numberquot; and a quot;Faxquot; number into

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If I have multiple spreadsheets with a subtotal on the same cell on each
sheet, say cell quot;A1quot;. How do I add all these numbers up without clicking on

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Basically I'm trying to make a search function from one file to another and
if there's a match (which there'll only ever be one) I want to pull data from

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I recently had my hard drive replaced, and now I'm having trouble saving an
Excel 2003 file on a network.

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