
What I have is a pre-built workbook with multiple formulas. I have had to
add extra rows in to fufill my needs. The problem is that when I try to drag
and copy the formulas into the new rows it ends up wrong and I have to go
into each cell and change the formula. This is taking forever, and I know
there has to be a better way. What I would like to see is: Page1!L302
and then Page1!L312, instead when I drag I get: Page1!L302 and
then Page1!L303. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

J.D. Webster

What row holds your 1st instance of the formula?

Is it increase the reference by 10 rows for each row down the copy goes?What I am looking for is an easy way to drag a formula so I don't have to
change each cell, and this is happening in multiple cells. What I need is an
increase of ten from the previous cell, but when I do a drag it only
increases by one. I have tried to do a ..... 10), but then all I get is 10.
I don't know if this is making any sense, but that is the problem. To try
and be more specific this is how it looks: I have 20 rows with about 40
columns each one having a different formula in the respective column. When I
insert more rows at the end or the middle of the worksheet the formula does
not transfer correctly. What it looks like is: =FoodItems!L309 to
=FoodItems!L310, but what I need it to look like is: =FoodItems!L309 to
=FoodItems!L319. When I try to drag it or create a formula for it, it still
comes out as the first one.

Thanks for the help,

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