Basically I'm trying to make a search function from one file to another and
if there's a match (which there'll only ever be one) I want to pull data from
a cell into this sheet. It's not working though and I'm about out of ideas at
this point. I have something similar working within the file, but can't get
this link working.
Anyway, here's the formula I'm trying to work out:
{=IF('[ITC Student Database v1.xls]Formulas'!$A$8:$A$55=$B$1,'[ITC Student
Database v1.xls]Formulas'!$C$8:$C$55,quot;0quot;)}
A8:A55 is a date search to match with B1's request. If it matches it's
suppose to pull the corresponding info in C8:C55 and if not, 0 is displayed.
I.E.: There's a date match in A20, so then the data in C20 gets pulled to
the cell.
I keep getting falses everywhere, but when I try it within the file it works
no problem.
Thanks in advance for the help,
Replying to one's own post can get ya shot, but I figured it out and wanted
to quickly share (incase there's any out there that search and raise
questions on this later).
Used the INDEX function instead of IF and it looks something like this:
{=INDEX('[ITC Student Database v1.xls]Formulas'!$C$8:$C$55,MATCH($B$1,'[ITC
Student Database v1.xls]Formulas'!$A$8:$A$55,0))}
Basically stating the array I want to pull from first. Then used the MATCH
function to compare the date with the array of dates on the student database
and then the 0 specifies an exact match.
Thanks all,
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
Having some problems linking an array across excel files