I have a quot;sheet1quot; with columns of data like Name, Location, JobLevel, Skills
and AvailableFromDate.
I have created a pivot for the data with 'JobLevel' and 'AvailableFromDate'
as COLUMN fields in the pivot, but I am unable to group the
'AvailableFromDate' field (based on 7 day-week criteria). In quot;sheet1quot; the
column 'AvailableFromDate' has some blank cells where the date is not
available...are these empty cells a problem for grouping?
Can this be solved without creating a separate sheet for the pivot report to
be generated?
Is there a way to group a field which has blank cells as values in the
master data?
Thanks for your help.
It is the blank cells that the PT doesn't like when trying to group.
A way around this that I have used in the past, would be to change all
Blank quot;available fromquot; dates way into the future (=TODAY() 367 ??),
rather than blank, and then exclude those that are over a year away.
Roger Govierquot;Minervaquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a quot;sheet1quot; with columns of data like Name, Location, JobLevel,
gt; and AvailableFromDate.
gt; I have created a pivot for the data with 'JobLevel' and
gt; 'AvailableFromDate'
gt; as COLUMN fields in the pivot, but I am unable to group the
gt; 'AvailableFromDate' field (based on 7 day-week criteria). In quot;sheet1quot;
gt; the
gt; column 'AvailableFromDate' has some blank cells where the date is not
gt; available...are these empty cells a problem for grouping?
gt; Can this be solved without creating a separate sheet for the pivot
gt; report to
gt; be generated?
gt; Is there a way to group a field which has blank cells as values in the
gt; master data?
gt; Thanks for your help.
Thanks Roger, I think that will do for now.
quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; Hi
gt; It is the blank cells that the PT doesn't like when trying to group.
gt; A way around this that I have used in the past, would be to change all
gt; Blank quot;available fromquot; dates way into the future (=TODAY() 367 ??),
gt; rather than blank, and then exclude those that are over a year away.
gt; --
gt; Regards
gt; Roger Govier
gt; quot;Minervaquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have a quot;sheet1quot; with columns of data like Name, Location, JobLevel,
gt; gt;Skills
gt; gt; and AvailableFromDate.
gt; gt; I have created a pivot for the data with 'JobLevel' and
gt; gt; 'AvailableFromDate'
gt; gt; as COLUMN fields in the pivot, but I am unable to group the
gt; gt; 'AvailableFromDate' field (based on 7 day-week criteria). In quot;sheet1quot;
gt; gt; the
gt; gt; column 'AvailableFromDate' has some blank cells where the date is not
gt; gt; available...are these empty cells a problem for grouping?
gt; gt; Can this be solved without creating a separate sheet for the pivot
gt; gt; report to
gt; gt; be generated?
gt; gt; Is there a way to group a field which has blank cells as values in the
gt; gt; master data?
gt; gt; Thanks for your help.
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
Grouping in Pivot Table