1st part:
i'm trying to set up a changes made field to an existing spreadsheet i
The sheet is called 'Fleet Data', with information such as 'bus #,
chassis, body, depot, rego #, etc etc'.
What i'm wanting to do is when I change information in say the 'depot'
field from AAA to BBB, I want what i've changed recorded (preferrably
in the same sheet, but if not, in another sheet which is sorted by
However, if subsequent changes were made later on to the same bus # (as
bus # is the first field), it will still retain all previous changes to
that bus.
The second part of it is that there may be 2 or more of the same bus #,
although only 1 is current, so the bus # needs to be matched with the
2nd part:
i'm also trying to concatenate the same field.
What I want is for the information from the 'Fleet Data' sheet copied
over to another sheet called 'Fleet Allocation', which produces all the
current buses, then sorts it by Depot, then Chassis, then lists bus #'s
across page filling page then down.
AAA - Scania - 100 101 102 103 106
AAA - Volvo - 200 201 209
BBB - Scania - 104 105
CCC - Volvo - 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
(bare in mind, duplicated depot columns to be printed only once).
So, is any of the above possible with Excel, and if so, what is the
best way, scripts to find or whatever.
Thanks in advance!--
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- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
Recording changes made amp; Concatenating