
Ok, autofill is used to sequence numbers in a row or column. How do I
autofill a column with a string sequence starting with 3 cells such as:
Ideally would want the result of values
AL0176F, etc.
I hope my meaning is clear! Try this:
A10: =quot;AL0176quot;amp;CHAR(65 ROW()-10)
Copy down as far as needed

If you start the series in another cell...change the 10 to the row number of
the first cell of the series.

if the series starts on B5, then
B5:=quot;AL0176quot;amp;CHAR(65 ROW()-5)

If you need quot;hardcodedquot; values, copy the range then Pastegt;Specialgt;Values

Does that help?


XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;Allewynquot; wrote:

gt; Ok, autofill is used to sequence numbers in a row or column. How do I
gt; autofill a column with a string sequence starting with 3 cells such as:
gt; AL0176A
gt; AL0176B
gt; AL0176C
gt; Ideally would want the result of values
gt; AL0176D
gt; AL0176E
gt; AL0176F, etc.
gt; I hope my meaning is clear!

Ok, but where do I type that, in the cell B5? There's no place to type it in
the pastegt;specialgt;values dropdown

quot;Ron Coderrequot; wrote:

gt; Try this:
gt; A10: =quot;AL0176quot;amp;CHAR(65 ROW()-10)
gt; Copy down as far as needed
gt; If you start the series in another cell...change the 10 to the row number of
gt; the first cell of the series.
gt; Example:
gt; if the series starts on B5, then
gt; B5:=quot;AL0176quot;amp;CHAR(65 ROW()-5)
gt; If you need quot;hardcodedquot; values, copy the range then Pastegt;Specialgt;Values
gt; Does that help?
gt; ***********
gt; Regards,
gt; Ron
gt; XL2002, WinXP-Pro
gt; quot;Allewynquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Ok, autofill is used to sequence numbers in a row or column. How do I
gt; gt; autofill a column with a string sequence starting with 3 cells such as:
gt; gt; AL0176A
gt; gt; AL0176B
gt; gt; AL0176C
gt; gt; Ideally would want the result of values
gt; gt; AL0176D
gt; gt; AL0176E
gt; gt; AL0176F, etc.
gt; gt; I hope my meaning is clear!
gt; gt;

Can't do it with autofill, but you could use a formula, the general form
of which would be:

=LEFT(A1,6)amp;CHAR(MOD(CODE(RIGHT(A1,1))-64,26) 65)
In article gt;,
quot;Allewynquot; gt; wrote:

gt; Ok, autofill is used to sequence numbers in a row or column. How do I
gt; autofill a column with a string sequence starting with 3 cells such as:
gt; AL0176A
gt; AL0176B
gt; AL0176C
gt; Ideally would want the result of values
gt; AL0176D
gt; AL0176E
gt; AL0176F, etc.
gt; I hope my meaning is clear!

First, you put the formula in the first cell and press [Enter].
Second, you copy that formula down as far as you need it.

Next, you select from the first list cell through the last list cell.
Then, Editgt;Copy.
Finally, Editgt;Paste Specialgt;Values

Does that help?


XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;Allewynquot; wrote:

gt; Ok, but where do I type that, in the cell B5? There's no place to type it in
gt; the pastegt;specialgt;values dropdown
gt; quot;Ron Coderrequot; wrote:
gt; gt; Try this:
gt; gt; A10: =quot;AL0176quot;amp;CHAR(65 ROW()-10)
gt; gt; Copy down as far as needed
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If you start the series in another cell...change the 10 to the row number of
gt; gt; the first cell of the series.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Example:
gt; gt; if the series starts on B5, then
gt; gt; B5:=quot;AL0176quot;amp;CHAR(65 ROW()-5)
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If you need quot;hardcodedquot; values, copy the range then Pastegt;Specialgt;Values
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Does that help?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; ***********
gt; gt; Regards,
gt; gt; Ron
gt; gt;
gt; gt; XL2002, WinXP-Pro
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Allewynquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Ok, autofill is used to sequence numbers in a row or column. How do I
gt; gt; gt; autofill a column with a string sequence starting with 3 cells such as:
gt; gt; gt; AL0176A
gt; gt; gt; AL0176B
gt; gt; gt; AL0176C
gt; gt; gt; Ideally would want the result of values
gt; gt; gt; AL0176D
gt; gt; gt; AL0176E
gt; gt; gt; AL0176F, etc.
gt; gt; gt; I hope my meaning is clear!
gt; gt; gt;

Oops, pasted the wrong formula in - this one will increment the numeric
digits when the right-most character gets to quot;Zquot;:

=LEFT(A1,2) amp; TEXT(MID(A1,3,4) (RIGHT(A1,1)=quot;Zquot;),quot;0000quot;) amp;
CHAR(MOD(CODE(RIGHT(A1,1))-64,26) 65)

Copy down as far as necessary.

In article gt;,
JE McGimpsey gt; wrote:

gt; Can't do it with autofill, but you could use a formula, the general form
gt; of which would be:
gt; =LEFT(A1,6)amp;CHAR(MOD(CODE(RIGHT(A1,1))-64,26) 65)

OK, I'm not understanding this but here's what I did:
I originally had only al0176a - c maunally typed.
Then I pasted the formula into cell b4 and dragged it down 9 cells, with the
result of al0176H in cell b4 and #value! in the 9 cells under it. Then I
experimented by typing in al0176d in column A and noticed the other column
(cell b5) changed to al0176I. I then typed al0176E in the next cell down of
coulmn A and noticed a change to al0176J in b6. Each time I typed a vlue into
caolumn A, the next cell down changed to the next value sequentially. If I
haven't completely garbled this communication, (heh) is this what should
happen? Main question now: why did b4 receive the value quot;Hquot; when the last
typed value was quot;Cquot;?

Is there a place to read up on this?

quot;JE McGimpseyquot; wrote:

gt; Oops, pasted the wrong formula in - this one will increment the numeric
gt; digits when the right-most character gets to quot;Zquot;:
gt; =LEFT(A1,2) amp; TEXT(MID(A1,3,4) (RIGHT(A1,1)=quot;Zquot;),quot;0000quot;) amp;
gt; CHAR(MOD(CODE(RIGHT(A1,1))-64,26) 65)
gt; Copy down as far as necessary.
gt; In article gt;,
gt; JE McGimpsey gt; wrote:
gt; gt; Can't do it with autofill, but you could use a formula, the general form
gt; gt; of which would be:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; =LEFT(A1,6)amp;CHAR(MOD(CODE(RIGHT(A1,1))-64,26) 65)
gt; gt;
gt; gt;

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