i have a program which looks at the header of a row and colum, then read's
the name in both headers joins the together into one word,, then looks on
another sheet to find cells containing matching data and adds the value in
the next cell
current formula is
=SUMIF('Formulas '!$C:$H,$B155amp;BX$81,'Formulas '!$H:$H)
as their are about 30,000 of these formula on the page is their a formula or
function which will do the same job but is not so memory hungry (takes about
5 min to calculate the ranges)
Not really, you could use equivalent array formulae or SUMPRODUCT, but my
guess is that SUMIF would be the least intensive of the three.
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)quot;Richquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; i have a program which looks at the header of a row and colum, then read's
gt; the name in both headers joins the together into one word,, then looks on
gt; another sheet to find cells containing matching data and adds the value in
gt; the next cell
gt; current formula is
gt; =SUMIF('Formulas '!$C:$H,$B155amp;BX$81,'Formulas '!$H:$H)
gt; as their are about 30,000 of these formula on the page is their a formula
gt; function which will do the same job but is not so memory hungry (takes
gt; 5 min to calculate the ranges)
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
alternative function to sumif