what would be the process to enter product numbers in one field and have the
product description appear in the next field to the right
First you would create a table (that you probably already have) containing
the product number and the product description. Then in the second cell
(where you want the product description to appear, use a VLOOKUP formula.
Look it up in Help. HTH Otto
quot;newriverquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; what would be the process to enter product numbers in one field and have
gt; the
gt; product description appear in the next field to the right
You need a 2 column table of numbers and descriptions
use the vlookup function to get the description
I.e. something like =VLOOKUP(B1,$C$1:$D$11,2,false)
B1 is your cell with the number
C112 is the range with the table
is the column to look in
false indicates you need an exact match
the numbers in C column should have been sorted ascending
Greetings from New Zealand
Bill Kquot;newriverquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; what would be the process to enter product numbers in one field and have
gt; the
gt; product description appear in the next field to the right
- Jun 22 Fri 2007 20:37
colum 1 = product #'s than colum 2 = prod. disc.