I have very large spreadsheets with 10s of thousands of items, all with
unique identifiers. I then get a small subset of those identifiers and have
to pull full info from the huge sheet for each identifier. Performing a
quot;findquot; for every item is far too time consuming.
Does anyone know how I can take a small subset of identifiers and find them
all at once on the larger sheet?
Thanks for any help you can provide!!
It kind of sounds like Data|filter|Advanced filter would do what you want:
(From Debra Dalgleish's site)
JahFe wrote:
gt; I have very large spreadsheets with 10s of thousands of items, all with
gt; unique identifiers. I then get a small subset of those identifiers and have
gt; to pull full info from the huge sheet for each identifier. Performing a
gt; quot;findquot; for every item is far too time consuming.
gt; Does anyone know how I can take a small subset of identifiers and find them
gt; all at once on the larger sheet?
gt; Thanks for any help you can provide!!
Dave Peterson
- Jun 22 Fri 2007 20:37
How can I find multiple items?