
Hello, would be grateful if someone could help me here. I have 2 lists of
names in 2 different columns. one column has the names first and then last,
the other has the names last and then first. Ive used a foruma provided by
someone else on this site to reverse the order which works no problem. Now
however when i try and filter the names to compare which people are on both
lists, it doesnt return with any results, yet i know there are names which
appear on both lists. if anyone can help me i would reaaallly appriciate it.


There could be a myriad of reasons. One may have a comma and the other not
which isn't excluded, there might be embedded/leading/trailing spaces, your
formula may be wrong.

Without examples of the data and the formula, we are just guessing. It is
possible, I just knocked a test up, where I had Bob Phillips in one column,
Phillips, Bob in another, and this formula found it

=COUNTIF(A:A,MID(B2,FIND(quot;, quot;,B2) 2,99)amp;quot; quot;amp;LEFT(B2,FIND(quot;, quot;,B2)-1))


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;snugs25quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hello, would be grateful if someone could help me here. I have 2 lists of
gt; names in 2 different columns. one column has the names first and then
gt; the other has the names last and then first. Ive used a foruma provided by
gt; someone else on this site to reverse the order which works no problem. Now
gt; however when i try and filter the names to compare which people are on
gt; lists, it doesnt return with any results, yet i know there are names which
gt; appear on both lists. if anyone can help me i would reaaallly appriciate
gt; Thanks
gt; Gemma

Your case is an excellent example when using full name in table is a wrong

When you design your table so, that instead ov 2 name columns you have
columns ForeName, Lastname, your life will be much easier. Whenever you need
to get the full name, you can have it in any form
=ForeName amp; quot; quot; amp; LastName
=LastName amp; quot; quot; amp; Forename
=LastName amp; quot;, quot; amp; Forename

Also, you always can sort your table at 1st by Forename and then by
LastName, or vice versa.--
Arvi Laanemets
( My real mail address: arvillt;atgt; )quot;snugs25quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hello, would be grateful if someone could help me here. I have 2 lists of
gt; names in 2 different columns. one column has the names first and then
gt; last,
gt; the other has the names last and then first. Ive used a foruma provided by
gt; someone else on this site to reverse the order which works no problem. Now
gt; however when i try and filter the names to compare which people are on
gt; both
gt; lists, it doesnt return with any results, yet i know there are names which
gt; appear on both lists. if anyone can help me i would reaaallly appriciate
gt; it.
gt; Thanks
gt; Gemma

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