1 Capital $176.00 lt;-January value in col b
2 Capital $182.00 lt;-Feb Value in col b
3 Capital $208.00 lt;-March value in col b
4 Capital $566.00 lt;-April Value in col b
5 Capital $561.00 lt;-May Value in col b
January ???
February ????
March ???
April ???
May ????
I have a table as shown above where column A has the same values as shown
(Capital). In the bottom table I need to return the values found in column B.
Vlookup is not working because the values in Column A are the same. The
actual spreadsheet looks like this, but has 32 other names also with 5 lines
per name as shown above. I for it to be able to find the values in column B
and return them into the appropriate Cell... ie a formula that will find
Capital's Jan value and return that, but then also a way to return Feb, mar,
april and may to the appropriate Cells.
I am assuming that next month there will be 6, etc., so that you need a
flexible method, and that it won't always be the latest.
Try this
=INDEX(IF($A$1:$A$1000=quot;Capitalquot;,$B$1:$B$1000),mon th_num)
which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.
Just replace month_num with your target month number.
Bob Phillips
(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)
quot;Bryonquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; A B
gt; 1 Capital $176.00 lt;-January value in col b
gt; 2 Capital $182.00 lt;-Feb Value in col b
gt; 3 Capital $208.00 lt;-March value in col b
gt; 4 Capital $566.00 lt;-April Value in col b
gt; 5 Capital $561.00 lt;-May Value in col b
gt; Value
gt; January ???
gt; February ????
gt; March ???
gt; April ???
gt; May ????
gt; I have a table as shown above where column A has the same values as shown
gt; (Capital). In the bottom table I need to return the values found in column
gt; Vlookup is not working because the values in Column A are the same. The
gt; actual spreadsheet looks like this, but has 32 other names also with 5
gt; per name as shown above. I for it to be able to find the values in column
gt; and return them into the appropriate Cell... ie a formula that will find
gt; Capital's Jan value and return that, but then also a way to return Feb,
gt; april and may to the appropriate Cells.
- Jun 22 Fri 2007 20:38
How can this be done