
Hello - may I prevail on your collective knowledge please to solve a

I currently have a pivot table which takes 6 data entry columns, tables the
first entry vertical, the second horizontal, and puts the last 4 in the main
body of the table, counting their incidence in relation to the first 2. A
pretty bog standard pivot table in fact.

My problem is this. In order to use a certain procedure, I have to rewrite
this process to achieve the same end without using a pivot to get there. The
authors of the procedure assure me it can be done using other data filtering
functions within Excel but they don't say how. Anyone got any idea?

Thank in advance


Please give an example of your data - I personally cannot yet understand
what you are asking.

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With your data on Sheet1, in a range from say A1:F100, with A1:F1 holding
the headers, set up a table on Sheet2 with unique values from Sheet1 column
A in cells A2:An, unique values from Column B of Sheet1 in cells B1:?1
(n represents the last row number, ? represents the last column letter)

then in cell B2 of sheet2 enter
Copy across for the width of the column headings created.
Copy the whole row of formulae down for the extent of the entries in column
A of Sheet2

You would then need to repeat the block from column B to column ?, 3 more
times to represent each of the remaining 4 columns of data from Sheet1, but
changing the last part of the sumproduct formula to Sheet1!$D$2:$D$100,
E2:E100, and F2:F100 respectively.

If you wanted to make the table smaller and aggregate the count for all 4
columns of data, then change the formula to


Roger Govierteepee wrote:
gt; Hello - may I prevail on your collective knowledge please to solve a
gt; problem?
gt; I currently have a pivot table which takes 6 data entry columns, tables the
gt; first entry vertical, the second horizontal, and puts the last 4 in the main
gt; body of the table, counting their incidence in relation to the first 2. A
gt; pretty bog standard pivot table in fact.
gt; My problem is this. In order to use a certain procedure, I have to rewrite
gt; this process to achieve the same end without using a pivot to get there. The
gt; authors of the procedure assure me it can be done using other data filtering
gt; functions within Excel but they don't say how. Anyone got any idea?
gt; Thank in advance
gt; teepee

thanks - will try

quot;Roger Govierquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi
gt; With your data on Sheet1, in a range from say A1:F100, with A1:F1 holding
gt; the headers, set up a table on Sheet2 with unique values from Sheet1
gt; A in cells A2:An, unique values from Column B of Sheet1 in cells B1:?1
gt; (n represents the last row number, ? represents the last column letter)
gt; then in cell B2 of sheet2 enter
gt; Copy across for the width of the column headings created.
gt; Copy the whole row of formulae down for the extent of the entries in
gt; A of Sheet2
gt; You would then need to repeat the block from column B to column ?, 3 more
gt; times to represent each of the remaining 4 columns of data from Sheet1,
gt; changing the last part of the sumproduct formula to Sheet1!$D$2:$D$100,
gt; E2:E100, and F2:F100 respectively.
gt; If you wanted to make the table smaller and aggregate the count for all 4
gt; columns of data, then change the formula to
gt; Regards
gt; Roger Govier
gt; teepee wrote:
gt; gt; Hello - may I prevail on your collective knowledge please to solve a
gt; gt; problem?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I currently have a pivot table which takes 6 data entry columns, tables
gt; gt; first entry vertical, the second horizontal, and puts the last 4 in the
gt; gt; body of the table, counting their incidence in relation to the first 2.
gt; gt; pretty bog standard pivot table in fact.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; My problem is this. In order to use a certain procedure, I have to
gt; gt; this process to achieve the same end without using a pivot to get there.
gt; gt; authors of the procedure assure me it can be done using other data
gt; gt; functions within Excel but they don't say how. Anyone got any idea?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thank in advance
gt; gt;
gt; gt; teepee
gt; gt;
gt; gt;

quot;Roger Govierquot; gt; wrote

gt; With your data on Sheet1, in a range from say A1:F100, with A1:F1 holding
gt; the headers, set up a table on Sheet2 with unique values from Sheet1

It says you can only copy filtered data onto the active sheet 8-(
To extract the data to a different sheet, start the Advanced Filter from
the destination sheet, as described he

teepee wrote:
gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; gt; wrote
gt;gt;With your data on Sheet1, in a range from say A1:F100, with A1:F1 holding
gt;gt;the headers, set up a table on Sheet2 with unique values from Sheet1
gt; It says you can only copy filtered data onto the active sheet 8-(
Debra Dalgleish
Excel FAQ, Tips amp; Book List
quot;Debra Dalgleishquot; gt; wrote

gt; To extract the data to a different sheet, start the Advanced Filter from
gt; the destination sheet, as described he

Thanks - I'm now told for the same reason I can't use pivot with the
software I'm employing, it won't recognise advanced filter either, so I
have to use arrays on their own 8-(

Back to the drawing board

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