I am trying to search through a list that is 12 columns wide by 8912
rows. Each row must stay together.
The spreadsheet I have now has drop-downs on the top of the page, but
the drop-down lists do not include all the possible entries in each
column. It only contains approximately 1000 of the first alph-numeric
Is there a 1000 entry limit on drop-down lists?
How can I get the drop-downs to include all data in the column?
Thanks for any and all help on this.--
prodrafter's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30287
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499557Yes, there is a limit of 1000 unique values in a filter drop-down list.
You can use Custom, Greater Than ... to see more values above these,
but these are not individually filterable. If you use another
(temporary ?) column, you can devise ways of categorising the data to
enable yo to see more. For example, if you want to filter numeric
values, then in your helper column you could have a formula:
= INT(A1/1000)
and this would then aggregate values into thousands. A column of text
values could have the formula:
=LEFT(A1,1) applied to it, thereby aggregating under initial letter.
By filtering the helper column first, you can then filter the column
which you are really interested in.
Hope this helps,
PeteFrom the AutoFilter dropdown list in the column heading, select Custom
In the first dropdown list, choose Equals
In the text box, type the entry you want to find
Click OK
Or, use one of the workarounds that Pete mentioned. There's an example he
prodrafter wrote:
gt; I am trying to search through a list that is 12 columns wide by 8912
gt; rows. Each row must stay together.
gt; The spreadsheet I have now has drop-downs on the top of the page, but
gt; the drop-down lists do not include all the possible entries in each
gt; column. It only contains approximately 1000 of the first alph-numeric
gt; entries.
gt; Is there a 1000 entry limit on drop-down lists?
gt; How can I get the drop-downs to include all data in the column?
gt; Thanks for any and all help on this.
Debra Dalgleish
Excel FAQ, Tips amp; Book List
- Jun 22 Fri 2007 20:38
drop-down lists