Hi, I posted the below question in the Worksheet Functions area and did ot
get a response so I thought I would post the question here also.....
Hi, I have searched and read the search results for the problem I am having.
The problem is the subtotals are not being staggered properly, appearing in
their correct groupings, etc.
I have installed SP2.
I have changed the registry as directed per the knowledge base articles. I
have tried setting the value to 0, 1, and 2, without any effect to the
If I remove from my list of items to be totaled the problem category, the
subtotal function works fine. The offending category is a category that only
has one listing. As an example, I have a financial company category that has
credit unions, banks, savings amp; loans, etc inside. However, I also have a
land use category that only has parks. I remove the lkand use category,
everything is fine. I leave it in, there subtotals mess up. I have more
than one category like land use.
Any ideas as to why the fixes I have read about and tried are not working to
correct this identified problem? I must be missing something.....
I have XP and Office 2003, with SP2. Thanks in advance for the help.
No replies as of Monday, Feb 27, 2006 @ 1355 MST.
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quot;amkazenquot; wrote:
gt; Hi, I posted the below question in the Worksheet Functions area and did ot
gt; get a response so I thought I would post the question here also.....
gt; Hi, I have searched and read the search results for the problem I am having.
gt; The problem is the subtotals are not being staggered properly, appearing in
gt; their correct groupings, etc.
gt; I have installed SP2.
gt; I have changed the registry as directed per the knowledge base articles. I
gt; have tried setting the value to 0, 1, and 2, without any effect to the
gt; problem.
gt; If I remove from my list of items to be totaled the problem category, the
gt; subtotal function works fine. The offending category is a category that only
gt; has one listing. As an example, I have a financial company category that has
gt; credit unions, banks, savings amp; loans, etc inside. However, I also have a
gt; land use category that only has parks. I remove the lkand use category,
gt; everything is fine. I leave it in, there subtotals mess up. I have more
gt; than one category like land use.
gt; Any ideas as to why the fixes I have read about and tried are not working to
gt; correct this identified problem? I must be missing something.....
gt; I have XP and Office 2003, with SP2. Thanks in advance for the help.
Never mind. I just got off the phone with a Microsoft support person. He
was able to solve my problem. And, their computers were not working properly
so I was not charged a $35 phone support fee.
quot;amkazenquot; wrote:
gt; No replies as of Monday, Feb 27, 2006 @ 1355 MST.
gt; BUMP back to top
gt; quot;amkazenquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hi, I posted the below question in the Worksheet Functions area and did ot
gt; gt; get a response so I thought I would post the question here also.....
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Hi, I have searched and read the search results for the problem I am having.
gt; gt; The problem is the subtotals are not being staggered properly, appearing in
gt; gt; their correct groupings, etc.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have installed SP2.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have changed the registry as directed per the knowledge base articles. I
gt; gt; have tried setting the value to 0, 1, and 2, without any effect to the
gt; gt; problem.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If I remove from my list of items to be totaled the problem category, the
gt; gt; subtotal function works fine. The offending category is a category that only
gt; gt; has one listing. As an example, I have a financial company category that has
gt; gt; credit unions, banks, savings amp; loans, etc inside. However, I also have a
gt; gt; land use category that only has parks. I remove the lkand use category,
gt; gt; everything is fine. I leave it in, there subtotals mess up. I have more
gt; gt; than one category like land use.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Any ideas as to why the fixes I have read about and tried are not working to
gt; gt; correct this identified problem? I must be missing something.....
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have XP and Office 2003, with SP2. Thanks in advance for the help.
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
- Jun 22 Fri 2007 20:38
Subtotals and SP2