
I have a formula in cell F9: =IF(D9=C9,quot;quot;,quot;NOT EQUALquot;). It's working great.
Now I want a formula in the next column that will compute a percentage if
quot;NOT EQUALquot; is returned by the first formula. I'm trying to use
=IF(ISBLANK(F9),quot;quot;,IF(quot;NOT EQUALquot;,((D9/C9)-100%)). It's not working. Help?

1) Since you have a formula in F9, ISBLANK(F9) will always be FALSE. Use
2) Your second IF is wrong because you are testing if the text value quot;NOT
EQUALquot; is TRUE, which it isn't. This IF should be IF(F9=quot;NOT EQUALquot;By the way, since the only possiblle values for F9 are quot;quot; and quot;NOT EQUALquot;,
you don't need both IFsquot;Gimpy815quot; wrote:

gt; I have a formula in cell F9: =IF(D9=C9,quot;quot;,quot;NOT EQUALquot;). It's working great.
gt; Now I want a formula in the next column that will compute a percentage if
gt; quot;NOT EQUALquot; is returned by the first formula. I'm trying to use
gt; =IF(ISBLANK(F9),quot;quot;,IF(quot;NOT EQUALquot;,((D9/C9)-100%)). It's not working. Help?


Yea, it works! Thanks for the help.

quot;Duke Careyquot; wrote:

gt; 1) Since you have a formula in F9, ISBLANK(F9) will always be FALSE. Use
gt; =IF(F9=quot;quot;,
gt; 2) Your second IF is wrong because you are testing if the text value quot;NOT
gt; EQUALquot; is TRUE, which it isn't. This IF should be IF(F9=quot;NOT EQUALquot;
gt; By the way, since the only possiblle values for F9 are quot;quot; and quot;NOT EQUALquot;,
gt; you don't need both IFs
gt; quot;Gimpy815quot; wrote:
gt; gt; I have a formula in cell F9: =IF(D9=C9,quot;quot;,quot;NOT EQUALquot;). It's working great.
gt; gt; Now I want a formula in the next column that will compute a percentage if
gt; gt; quot;NOT EQUALquot; is returned by the first formula. I'm trying to use
gt; gt; =IF(ISBLANK(F9),quot;quot;,IF(quot;NOT EQUALquot;,((D9/C9)-100%)). It's not working. Help?

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