/.................i mean like metallica slayer , zakk wylde , lots of this bands go with emg why?
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
If duncans are abetter , why all these rockstars go with EMG??????
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Tremolo Spring Noise
When I play unplugged, the unwound strings hit a resonance frequency that makes the tremolo springs ring. Especially since I don't use the trem right now, I'm thinking of putting some foam or cloth in the back of the guitar to muffle the springs. I don't see a problem with doing this. It seems to be a no-brainer easy fix.
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Routing new pickguard New pup config
Well ladies and germs, it's time I inform you of some of my ideas.
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
roland cube vs line6 spider II
title says it all. what do you think?
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
And speaking of the Invader...
...is it just me? Or did the original big allen screw poles they used to have look a lot cooler?
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Newbie Q's (Sosueme!) Flat Vs. Staggered? RW/RP?
I posted a thread earlier trying to find the sweetest tone and SD lists both the Alnico II Pro Flat and Staggered as sweet pickups. What is the difference between flat and staggered?
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
need advice selling pups (gibsons)
hi dudes....how are you doing?
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Went Back To The 59N In My Love Rock..
I pulled the PGN out and went back to my 59N pickup...I like the EQ of the 59N alot better,plus it's smoother and doesn't have that quot;sizzlequot; and peak in the mids....The 59N just seems eq'd better for my ears,styles,and gear....I adjusted the 59N so it's about level with the plastic pickup holder and it still has plenty of output....I adjusted the screws a bit and managed to make the 59 alot more tolerable now...I liked the overall EQ and tone of the 59N in this guitar,but it was the boomy lows that I didn't like....I feel I can tolerate it and by bringing the pickup down,I should be fine....
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Looking for Marshall Jackhammer OD
Title says it all, im looking for a Marshall Jackhammer overdrive pedal. Cosmetics arent an issue as long as everything functions properly.
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Treble Bleed Mod
can the .002 capacitor needed in the treble bleed mod for my tele be replaced with a .0047 or a .001????? need to know