When I play unplugged, the unwound strings hit a resonance frequency that makes the tremolo springs ring. Especially since I don't use the trem right now, I'm thinking of putting some foam or cloth in the back of the guitar to muffle the springs. I don't see a problem with doing this. It seems to be a no-brainer easy fix.
Or I could dip the springs and rubber coat them with the stuff you can get in a can from the hardware store. Hmm?
Does anyone else do something like this?
Do it...that´s the way it´s been done for ages...
I superglue half of a Duncan foam inlay (from PUP boxes) to the trem cover of all my guitars
I rather like the sound
Originally Posted by RidI rather like the soundYou and Clapton both! Even though EC keeps the bar blocked, he won't play a hardtail Strat...he says that the ringing is part of the charm!
I dig it too...but I do use the tremolo!
Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireYou and Clapton both! Even though EC keeps the bar blocked, he won't play a hardtail Strat...he says that the ringing is part of the charm!
I dig it too...but I do use the tremolo!
I guess I could get used to it, if I wanted to. It's not a big deal. But, I'm gonna go ahead an muffle 'em in mine.
Eric Claptons a little peuliar about his strats isn't he? why wouldn't he just order a hard tail with a trem spaced bridge? That sounds like the makings of a signature great strat.
Originally Posted by Guitar Toad... why wouldn't he just order a hard tail with a trem spaced bridge? That sounds like the makings of a signature great strat.
Because he likes the natural reverb that the springs create..... Oh, He HAS a Signature strat, btw
Originally Posted by Guitar ToadI guess I could get used to it, if I wanted to. It's not a big deal. But, I'm gonna go ahead an muffle 'em in mine.
Eric Claptons a little peuliar about his strats isn't he? why wouldn't he just order a hard tail with a trem spaced bridge? That sounds like the makings of a signature great strat.the spacing from tremolo to hardtail is the same...he just likes the springs ringing in the back...
Originally Posted by ZerberusBecause he likes the natural reverb that the springs create..... Oh, He HAS a Signature strat, btw
Does he like 5 springs with his blocked trem? I'll have to experiment and listen closely to see if I can discern the tonal difference with the reverbrating springs.
Originally Posted by Guitar ToadDoes he like 5 springs with his blocked trem? I'll have to experiment and listen closely to see if I can discern the tonal difference with the reverbrating springs.Yes...if you buy an EC Strat or look at Eric's personal strats they have 5 springs and the claw pulled all the way in, then a block of wood (most of the signature EC;s I have seen have maple) hammered in place between the tremolo block and the body.
Yep, same setup as my Custom Dinky (sans hardwood block, which is IMO overkill on a V-trem)
the foam ( or similarly, a strip of cloth) trick is standard if you want to kill those vibrations ....
does that sound come through the amp? or is it only hearable when you are unplugged?
Originally Posted by tone4daysthe foam ( or similarly, a strip of cloth) trick is standard if you want to kill those vibrations ....
does that sound come through the amp? or is it only hearable when you are unplugged?
Just through when un-plugged, not through the amp. It's not really a problem, more of a curiosity. I think a piece of a Hendrix (but not a Clapton) T-shirt would be a great solution...if I only had one to use.
Stuff it with either foam or paper. Everybody and their grandma does it so why not?
It comes through the amp with me, I lost the backplate to my strat too, so i cant stop it.
I put the foam in the back of my wolfgang though, i dont see why its not standard practice. Especially on a metal guitar like this where people are going to be doing a lot of stop-start stuff with heavy gain, you just can't have this big BRANGGG after every riff.
Originally Posted by Kyuss_RockIt comes through the amp with me, I lost the backplate to my strat too, so i cant stop it.
I put the foam in the back of my wolfgang though, i dont see why its not standard practice. Especially on a metal guitar like this where people are going to be doing a lot of stop-start stuff with heavy gain, you just can't have this big BRANGGG after every riff.
ya, I see where the sound could come through with high output pups. You can get a new cover from Warmoth or wherever. They ain't that expensive.
Even on my highgainer guitars I have nothing, I like the life of it.
Originally Posted by Kyuss_RockIt comes through the amp with me, I lost the backplate to my strat too, so i cant stop it.....
Yes you can: Wedge the foam between the springs and the cavity
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Tremolo Spring Noise