Why is that the Gibson explorer is advertised as the '76 Explorer and the Epi version is called the '58? Whats the difference?
from : localhost/the obvious difference that one is an Epi, and the other is Gibby, whats the difference between the '76 and '58?
The original 58' explorers were made out of Korina. While the 76' explorers were made of mahagony.
edit: I'm not sure weather the epiphone ones are Actully made of korina though. I think its just a Korina veneer over a mahagony body. But I could be wrong.
On the V´s the body shape is also a bit different betwen a 58 and a 67 RI... That may or may not be the same on the Explorer
Originally Posted by lex666whats the difference between the '76 and '58?
Body shape. The 76 is a bit pointier, has a bigger body, and slightly different angles in a couple spots. Open both of those links in separate windows and click between them and you'll see it.
Originally Posted by chillBody shape. The 76 is a bit pointier, has a bigger body, and slightly different angles in a couple spots. Open both of those links in separate windows and click between them and you'll see it.
The '58 is slightly more rounded on the edges...and nicer looking IMO.
76 is the best axe around giving the heavy in the way its supposed to be especially with a SH-5
58, i ve tried Epi and with stock pup.. it would be some unfair to comment about the tone, but the body is Korina and the shape is different than 76.
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:56
Explorers: 76 vs. 58