can the .002 capacitor needed in the treble bleed mod for my tele be replaced with a .0047 or a .001????? need to know
Basically, yes. The .0047 will quot;bleedquot; twice as much treble, the .001, half as much. The degree to which those quot;modsquot; are desirable will depend on your setup. Let us know how it works out.
Quick sidenote: This is the opposite affect of a tone control cap. The .0047 would quot;dumpquot; more treble, while the .001 would discard less.
artietoo, Which one would oyu prefer???
which one would you prefer
Well I play a LP and for me it was 100pf for a transparent rolloff. You could go with 220pf for a bit more twang added when rolling off the volume, assuming you're using overdrive.
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
Treble Bleed Mod