
Just curious what SD you guys think is the best for heavy metal. For example....the typical guys.... dime,king, zakk etc. Just a generic question

The LiveWire Metal is probably the most hardcore metal pup Duncan offers. Or do you want to stick to the passive realm?

Duncan Distortion

Along with the Live Wires, I suggest the JB, Invader, Full Shred or Dimebucker.

I really like my Dimebucker. It handles loads of gain while still being very articulate.

i like my distortion set

You can't go wrong with the Dimebucker IMO. Huge output yet very clean signal. The Distortion is also pretty cool if you like dirtier tones.

Originally Posted by aldu74You can't go wrong with the Dimebucker IMO. Huge output yet very clean signal. The Distortion is also pretty cool if you like dirtier tones.


yeah dimebucker kicks ass

For balls out everything on 11 metal..............THE DISTORTION

could we please post this thread as a sticky so that someone doesnt try to post yet another quot;I play metal and find using the search functions below mequot; type thread once every week or so

the search function NEVER works on this site for me. i dont know why but i can search even the simplest of words like quot;guitarquot; and it will still say no results.

im surprised nobody has said the custom...

i vote the custom.

Custom sounds great in everything I've ever put it in.

The Custom, for sure. Honestly... I kind of miss it. I'm going to pick up another axe one of these days and put it in. Need to try a Custom neck, too, a la Steve Smyth.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3The Custom, for sure. Honestly... I kind of miss it. I'm going to pick up another axe one of these days and put it in. Need to try a Custom neck, too, a la Steve Smyth.

maybe a CC/C-5?

I've had quite good experiences with the JB. Works great for lead and rhythm both, which I like very much in a pickup.

Its hard to say whats best. As you can tell by the posts here, opinions differ, and none is right or wrong. In the end you have to find what's right for you.

I play a lot of different styles of music, metal (old school thrash to nu-metal stuff), being one of them. I've also tried several different duncans. Keep in mind the gear I'm using, mostly Mesa stuff, is naturally very bass heavy. Here are my experiences only, take them for what its worth! I'll list them in order of preference.

JB-My favorite still. Good low end thunk and tight percussive bass. Singing highs. Great lead tones, articulate, and awesome crunch for palm mutes. Its a high output pup that doesn't quite behave like one. I've swapped out other pups and keep going back to it.

Custom Custom-Great pick up but be warned, it may not give you the quot;metalquot; sound your looking for. The lows are looser and not as percussive as other pick ups. Don't let the tone chart scare you though, I personally don't think it is as lacking in bass as that says, I just think its a different kind of bass. Same thing with the high end. Its thick, warm, and quite smooth and pretty sounding, but it doesn't bite like a JB or an A5/Ceramic mag pup does. (its more of a thicker blusier sounding lead tone than a metal type one) Beautiful sounding pick up though, and more than enough output to do metal. (you get a nice palm mute sound imo)

Distortion-Probably the best low end chug of the ones I tried. I found the mids and highs kind of harsh though, and not as musical as the CC or JB. Still, a great pick up for metal riffing.

Dimebucker-Very good pick up. It will be a bit more quot;modernquot; sounding than the other choices. I found it a bit too harsh and ice picky on the high end, and didn't particulary like the clean sounds I got from it. (although it cleans up well, and probably you won't be playing that much clean with metal P) Definately good chugging palm mute but a bit more quot;squishyquot; I guess you could say than the Distortion or JB. Not bad or worse, just different. Great pup but not for everyone.

Custom-I used a custom years ago as my first duncan. Great thunk, very articulate. I did find it a bit cold, and lacking in the harmonics and character of the JB. Didn't seem to have that quot;crunchquot; either. Still, a very good pup for metal if your really looking for that PAFish vibe.

Custom 5-I didn't particularly like this one for Metal. It does have nice percussive lows, and a decent high end and lead tone. But, at least for me with my amp and set up, I didn't like the lack of mids and it also seemed to lack the output of the CC or even the Custom. (which it says it does) I felt it didn't cut as good and didn't have the crunch I was looking for.

My opinions for what they're worth. Yes I've tried quite a few pick ups hehe. Again, keep in mind my gear, mesa Tri-Axis, boogie power amp, Carvin 4x12 with 75 watt celestions. The boogie stuff especially is VERY bass heavy, (as are the 75s) so with my pick up selections I really didn't need or want that much bass. I want a bit more mids and high end to cut through. Its also my philosphy when I EQ my rig and go for a sound that I want good percussive lows with good crunch, but I don't want my guitar to be overly bassy, as that's what the bass and drums are for.

If you have a good amp with enough gain, I say stay in the lower output range. I find lower output pickups more articulate and fatter for all styles. I can get some of the fattest heavy chunck for anything frmo Megadeth to King Diamon with an 8.4-9.5k PAF pickup and leads seem fatter than with a higher output pickup which to me adds compression to leads that I can't get rid of.

What kind of metal?

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