
thats my first post here, so hello to you all!

I'm planning a custom guitar at the moment and I'm still in search for 2 good humbuckers for it. I want to use it for metal mainly (heavy stuff). the guitar is planned to be made of Ash with a neck-thru maple-neck.

about the bridge-PU:
I have a Dimarzio X2N in my Marathon Pro Series and the sound is really cool, but I want to get something that sounds a little less quot;sterilequot;. something with a more growling, quot;bonecrushingquot; sound if you know what I mean. what I still need, is a heavy but tight low-end for fast riffs (the thrashy riffing and all that stuff, you know what I mean) and it should be able to really scream for soloing (I dont play many leads, but I still want them to sound good).

about the neck-PU:
I dont use my neck-PUs very often so far, but that may change in the future, so its planned in mainly for stuff like clean playing and so on.

what I've been recommended so far (for bridge/neck) were especially a combo of Duncan Dimebucker/Jazz and EMG 85/60. now the problem is: I dont really know any of these PUs (no experience with them).
could someone compare the Dimebucker to the X2N so I get a better idea of how it sounds?
or do you have other recommendations?

EDIT: oh, and I'll be playing through ENGL Powerball

Welcome, Hexer.

I'm more of an old school metal player, and my favourite Duncan pup is the Screamin' Demon. However, if you're used to the X2N, then this is not the pup for you, I think. You will probably want something with a ceramic magnet, and very high output.

Generally speaking, I think that Duncans are far superior to DiMarzio, so I have no doubt that there is a Duncan pup that's right for you, but I've no experience with the Dimebucker, so I cannot be of service to you.

Give this thread some time, and bump it to the top of the page tomorrow; it's usually a bit slow on here during the weekends.

.... anyone else out there have any ideas?

Welcome to the fourm, a DD/59 or JB/Jazz would be nice or even a Custom/59 would rock. Good luck in your tone quest.

thanks for your replies!
I'm in no hurry here, I dont have money left for a custom at the moment anyway I'm just planning.
I only want to be pretty shure about the PU-question as soon as I'm ready to order. especially as I dont want to swap the neck-PU later, because it will be painted and I dont want a quot;holequot; in the paintjob later
the problem is, that I dont have much experience with different PUs (havent played many) so maybe if we manage to find something that will most probably fit my needs I'll get it beforehand and test it in one of my other guitars (my Warlock needs a PU-swap anyway)

TwilightOdyssey: judging by the sound-clips on the duncan-hp, the Screamin Deamon sounds really cool (bridge, distortion). now too bad there are no Dimebucker-clips there......
I'll probably have to get more info and then try one or two PUs

Originally Posted by HexerTwilightOdyssey: judging by the sound-clips on the duncan-hp, the Screamin Deamon sounds really cool (bridge, distortion). now too bad there are no Dimebucker-clips there......
I'll probably have to get more info and then try one or two PUs

The Demon has a lot of control, you just need to note that it won't hit your amp very hard ... but it retains its clarity very well! I like using stacked gain stages (overdrive into amp head) and my tone is definitely high gain, but it doesn't turn into over-distorted, over-saturated mush.
I'll gladly post you a clip from my band's album if you want to hear the Demon JB doing high gain stuff.

shure I'd like to hear that. also tell me what other equipment was used, please (amp, effects...)

EDIT: I could also give you a link to a clip of my X2N/Powerball-combo to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about and what I want to change, but the recording-quallity is pretty bad, so..... (it sounds much more quot;truequot; than what I had intended if you know what I mean )

The Dimebucker has a lot of Dimebag Darrell in it. Take a full sounding, high output pickup, blend in some Telecaster twang, add crazy harmonics, and pour some slime over the top of it, to quot;squishquot; it up a bit. I know that sounds rediculous, but if you hear it, you'll know what I'm talking about

I'm listening to some Pantera-songs right now and I really get the feeling that the Dimebucker could be the right PU for me.... the guitar-sound in these songs is great, heavy and brutal, but still kinda quot;cleanquot; or defined. I'd say it should sound pretty damn cool through my amp (Powerball).
maybe I'll really get one for my Warlock, just to make shure I like it.

judging by the sound-clips on the duncan-hp the Jazz sounds best to me for neck/clean. that leaves me with the choice I had made when I first thought about the problem: Dimebucker/Jazz

another question: can the Dimebucker also do clean-sounds ok? I mean: I dont want to use it for jazz or something like this, just for some clean-parts in between the heavy stuff

From my experience, The dimebucker or a custom would probably do what your asking very well. I would suggest a custom, it most definitely will give you your metal quot;crunchquot; and it remains its clarity at high volumes. I've never personally owned a dimebucker, but they are a very nice pickup.

I've got a set of EMG's and I like them, but they dont sing to me like my duncans.

For the neck, I think you've got it right with the jazz.

Good luck man, and keep us posted on your custom guitar.

I think you'd like a custom bridge, it's very tight sounding, and does metal well.

I've no experience with the dimebucker though sorry.


Originally Posted by Hexershure I'd like to hear that. also tell me what other equipment was used, please (amp, effects...)

from : localhost/Check out the song NEAR DARK.

Equipment used:
RHYTHM GUITAR - Wayne Rock Legend, JB in the bridge ... Fulltone Full-Drive 2 ... Rivera Knucklehead 1/2 stack
HARMONY GUITARS - ESP M1 Tiger, Demon in the bridge ... Engl E540 preamp ... Marshall EL34 100/100 power amp ... Rivera 4x12
LEAD GUITAR - ESP M1 Tiger, Roland VG 88 direct into the board

EFFECTS - None, aside from some compression, EQ, and a touch of reverb, all done in mixing.

Originally Posted by Hexeranother question: can the Dimebucker also do clean-sounds ok? I mean: I dont want to use it for jazz or something like this, just for some clean-parts in between the heavy stuff

The clean is surprisingly good. With the drive shut off, the Tele-twang I mentioned before steps up a few notches. It may not sound like what you'd want for metal, but it's a very cutting tone, so you won't get lost when the gain goes off. The clean is good because the pickup isn't as hot as you'd expect. If you haven't already, read the interview with Dime regarding the development of his pickup. from : localhost//website...ive.shtml#dime

Keep in mind that the pickup on Pantera cds is a Lawrence XXL-500. Seeing how you can't get that one, the Dime is a great way to go. Even though it's a different pickup, there's a lot of that sound in there.

Have you checked out the Invader? It is really bonecrushing and it has slightly higher output than the Dimebucker and the Distortion models. The growl is terrifying. You may find it a little dark but you have an equilizer don't you?

Originally Posted by SozosYou may find it a little dark but you have an equilizer don't you?

not really.... I play directly through head/cab, nothing else, and I'm pretty happy with the sound of my rig (well, the head has a soundgate, but appart from that......)


I'd recommend going with one of these 4 pups for the bridge. Custom, Distortion, Invader, Dimebucker.

Custom---The custom is a high output pup with a ceramic magnet with good bass and grind with plenty of mids and highs. It doesn't sound harsh or over compressed.

Distortion---This high output pup has an oversized ceramic magnet wit lots of mids and highs but with good bass as well. It gives you lots of grind for palm mute stuff. It hits your amp hard and has a compressed sound.

Invader---This is hottest pup that Duncan makes, it has 3 ceramic mags and huge polepieces to give you lots of power. This pup excels in bright guitars, lots of guys like it in basswood, ash, and alder

Dimebucker---Lots of guys have already hit on the virtues of this pup.

For the neck I'd look at these A2P, PG, and Jazz.

The Alnico 2 Pro---The warmest of the Duncan PAF line. It has symetrical coils and is a modern take on the A2 PAFs. It has round bass and smooth treble, it also has lots of mids to make the guitar really sing. It will warm up the coldest or shrillest of guitars. The most well known Alnico 2 Pro user is Slash of Velvet Revolver and GNR. Standard 4 Conductor Wire

Pearly Gates---The PG is the hottest of the Duncan PAF line. It has asymetrical (mismatched) coils and an A2 magnet. The mismatched coils give this particular pup its rude personality. It has a frequency push in the Presence/Cut knob frequency band. This is the quot;Sizzlequot; PG owner talk about. It has the most mids of the Ducan PAF line and is also the hottest. Its patron is Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top. Standard 4 conductor Wire

The Jazz---The jazz is the pup that bridges the gap between Vintage and Modern pups. Its output is at or around the vintage level. Don't let the name fool you this pup is very versatile and smooth. It has an A5 magnet and is very widely used in the neck slot. It is articulate regardless of the tuning as well. This pup negociates cleans or overdrive very well. Standard 4 Conductor Wire


I think I'll stay with the Jazz for neck

for bridge I'm pretty shure about the Dimebucker now, from the clips on the duncan-hp (bridge, dirty), I liked the Distortion best. I'll probably just buy a Dimebucker and put it in my warlock to test it.

haiz69: I'll probably order later this year, so theres still a lot of time and then of course it'll take another bit of time for the guys to actually build the guitar... only thing I could post now are the specs that are pretty much decided now

hey, just a little update:
I just got a Dimebucker for that warlock and I really like it, sounds very heavy and brutal, but is still very clear. definitely great for high-gain-sounds (and distrotion-sounds in general) if you dont want to get lost in quot;full-distortion-mudquot;.
as someone mentioned before, the clean-sound is really good as well

overall: I havent had the chance to test it at high volumes at band-practice so far (I'm really looking forward to this) but it seems to be a really great PU (at least for me)

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