Top Ten Collectible Stratocasters - One Opinion
quot;Mike C.quot;, an employee of Fender Europe, has compiled his list of the top ten quot;to die forquot; Stratocasters. While each entry qualifies as a vintage Strat, it's primarily the guitar's association with a famous musician that earned it a spot on the list.
Here's a rundown of the list and some brief info:
1. Clapton's quot;Browniequot; (1956 sunburst). Sold at a Christie's auction on August 24, 1999, for $497,000. Now in the possession of the Experience Music Project Museum in Seattle, Washington.
2. Hendrix's quot;Woodstock Stratquot; (1968 Olympic White). Sold at a Sotheby's auction in 1990 for around $300,000 and resold in 1993 for over 1.3 million dollars. Now in the possession of the Experience Music Project Museum in Seattle, Washington.
3. Gilmour's quot;#001, 1954 Stratquot; (custom white/blonde finish). In Gilmour's collection and not for sale.
4. Holly's quot;1958, 3-tone Sunburstquot; (his last Strat). After Holly's death a collector bought it for $125,000. Actor Gary Busey paid $242,000 for it in 1990. The instrument is now on display in the city of Lubbock, Texas, as part of their Buddy Holly collection, though it's unclear if they bought the Strat from Busey or if it's on loan. If they bought it, the purchase price is unknown.
5. Harrison's quot;Rockyquot; (1961, custom painted). A part of the Harrison estate.
6. Vaughan's quot;Number Onequot; (1959 body and pickups with 1962 neck). In the possession of the Vaughan family, probably brother Jimmie.
7. Gallagher's quot;Ex-Sunburstquot; (1961 3-tone sunburst). In the possession of his brother, Donal.
8. Marvin's quot;Flamingo Pinkquot; (1959). Currently owned by Bruce Welch of the quot;Shadowsquot;.
9. Clapton's quot;Blackiequot; (hybrid assembled from 3 Strats in 1970). Sold at Christies auction for $959,500
10. quot;Hendrix/Zappa Stratquot; (1965 sunburst). Currently owned by Frank Zappa's son, Dweezil, who has put it up for auction twice so far, but it failed to sell. The reserve price in the last auction (Cooper-Owen auction house) was over $750,000. The highest bid was over $500,000, but was refused by Dweezil.Here's a link to that site.
from : localhost/
from what ive heard from people in the know, brownie is a much much sweeter sounding guitar than blackie.
cool list
i'll take #4 please!!
One of our forum members has what I think to be one of the most collectable strats ... The '54 Prototype (I believe)
Pro1-54's talked about it in the past I believe ... from : localhost//forum/member.php?u=818
You can look at the guitaron his website as well ... no real text about it unfortunatly
My memory could be making stuff up but I'm not so sure
yeah, but they are *strats*...
Originally Posted by Minceryeah, but they are *strats*...
I love strats.... why in hell do I find this so fricken funny?
Personally I'd take Gilmour's 0001 Strat. He's said in interviews it's a guitar that tends to emphasize the dynamic differences between players, which is something I like in an instrument. Plus according to Evan it's got a cool connection with SD himself and a bit of a mysterious history and origins.
Of course, I'd take Hendrix's white 68 strat or SRV's #1 59 body/64 neck, or Clapton's Blackie.
Those guitars are the tops, I think. Wait, Gilmour's too. Sheesh, I'd love'em all!!!
I really like the Zappa Hendrix guitar.
Cool pic. I never realized it was a sunburst guitar that Hendrix burned up with Ronsenol lighter fluid. Looks like Zappa had Fender outfit it with a new neck, pickguard and pickups. Looks like a new bridge, too.
By the way, I actually went to the Cars amp; Guitars Exhibit at the Peterson Auto museum, when it was in LA for about half a year. I bought a cap with that same logo that's in your picture. It sucks, because I wore it one day, then lost it in a Taxi cab in Vegas the following week. Damn, that made me mad. I liked that hat.
Frank originally rebuilt the guitar with a mirror pickguard and some crazy barcus-berry electronics. When Dweez got hold of it, he had the fender custom shop put new electrics in and a new neck. Basically the only original part is the body. I think it's supercool in it's current form. It'd be a cool guitar to make Fender CS do a replica...
SRV's number 1 would be the ultimate collectible guitar IMO.
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:56
Top 10 Most Collectible Strats