
Does anyone have experience with this setup? Does it work well?

It probably be fine as long as you kept the level down.

my XTL has a TS built in, so i don't see a reason for it, really

but yeah, keep the level down amp; it's fine

IIRC, Andy Sneap, a terrific producer, does this and gets really really good tones. I've been thinking about doing it too.

I think he has some killer clips of that setup on some free british soundclip server. Couldn't find it right now.

Surely you could find heaps of different tones with the POD so that you wouldnt need to bother with a TS. Id spend more time messing with tweed, black panel and class A amp models, and all the ones for dumble and stuff...but i suppose you could kick in a TS for something a little bit different. Just give it a try, you cant blow the POD up or anything. If it sounds good it sounds good, if its crap its crap, only your ear will be able to tell!

Originally Posted by JohtosotkuIIRC, Andy Sneap, a terrific producer, does this and gets really really good tones. I've been thinking about doing it too.This is true, although I'm not sure about soundclips.

My buddy Shane in Backmask recorded their 2005 demo with that setup, sounds godly!

from : localhost/

I run a TS9DX into my Line 6 Flextone every day. It works fine, and really allows me to dial back on the gain. But, one of these days I'm going to do a Spina Mod on my TS.

My understanding is that practically anything you run with an amp, you can run with your Line6, and the effects loop is a bonus.

I have used a Fulltone FD2 into a POD XT and like it very much! I think it makes everything sound even more amp-like. The FD2 is a great pedal and into a POD XT is pretty cool. I don't do it 100% of the time but I like the way it sounds.

As previously stated, you can run ANY pedal in front of the POD (or after it, for that matter) as long as you don't overload the input circuit. Do not crank up the level knob, and you'll be fine.

Originally Posted by long as you don't overload the input circuit. Do not crank up the level knob, and you'll be fine.

Les, can you expound on this? Is it possible to overload the input circuit? What I've been doing lately with my TS9DX is low gain (say 9:00) and high level (say 3:00). Am I running a risk doing this?



If you have a pod there should be a light lighting up that says quot;clip.quot;

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