I need some advice.. I'm looking for a new set of pickups for a Jackson PS-4 (H-S-H).. Problem is, I really don't know what I'm doing. I've been playing guitar for several years but don't know the first thing about pickups. And, since this isn't a $2000 guitar played on a $2000 amp, I don't know if it'd even be worthwhile to replace the pickups.. Here's the situation:
Most of the time I'm playing through a small Marshall Valvestate amp, but I record songs digitally (via Line6 POD or other effects processors to a MA Firewire Solo) on my computer. I have no idea what effect that will have on what pickups I use.. I usually play heavy punk/psychobilly/surf type music with moderate to heavy distortion. The stock pickups on the Jackson really seem to muddy everything up - or perhaps I'm just expecting too much.
Anyway, considering my small time setup..
A) Is it a good idea to replace the pickups?
B) Which do you recommend?
All advice is welcome.. Thanks!
Hi, no PU suggestions from my side as I do not play/listen this kind of music. Just wanted to tell you that PU change can be worth on the cheapest guitar.
I did it on an old Samick which a never used before. Replaced PUs, switches, pots, complete new wiring - it's now my #1 live-beast (although I also own much more expensive axes, too).
Just make sure that the wooden parts are ok (good quality and workmanship)
I agree with psy. My entire guitar collection could be replaced for the price of a MIA Strat, but they all have Duncans in them, and they're all quot;keepersquot;.
Its the best bang-for-buck mod you can do. (Assuming the guitar has basic playability to begin with.)
YES, CHANGE THE PUPS! i'm not quite sure what physchobilly is (really heavey rockabilly?) but i'll give you a suggestion anyway. IMO you should get the full shred set. These pups are bright articulate so that would solve the muddy problem of the stocks. Also they are good for cleans too so the surf thing shouldn't be hard to get (my band plays some early 311 everyonce in a while and the pups shine for reggae/ska/funk so they should do fine for surf)
note: i have no experience with single coils so maybe someone else will come and help with that. maybe an alnico 2 pro?
Get a Custom for the bridge, SSL-1 for the middle, and a '59 neck. That should be a hella versatile setup that does pretty much everything really well.
BTW, I used to own a PS-4, and the stock pickups are total sh1t. Once you replace them, it'll really shine. You may want to look into a tremelo upgrade, too.
Thanks guys - I really appreciate the input. I looked into your suggestions and have one last question.. The customs seem to come in two varieties: standard and for locking tremelos.. Now since I have a quot;FR licensedquot; (which by the way JB, I agree with you - don't care for it) do I need the TB model or can I get away with the SH. Dimensions on the SH model seem to match up with what's on there already.. Any suggestions?
for a licensed FR, i would guess that you want a tb spaced bridge pup .. what is the measurement (at the bridge pickup) from the center of the Low E string to the center of the High E string?
2.1079 inches (roughly)..
if it is a floyd then it needs a trembucker spaced pup. i have yet to see a tremelo equiped guitar that needed a normal spaced pup.
From the Website Frequently Asked Questions
What does Trembucker mean and how is it different from Humbucker?
Humbuckers and Trembuckers are very similar to each other, and most humbucker models also come in Trembucker versions. The Trembucker-spaced JB, for example, is a TB-4 and the humbucker-spaced version in an SH-4. The only difference is the wider spacing of the pole pieces on the Trembucker versions. This spacing issue only applies to the bridge position pickup, which is why Trembuckers are recommended for the bridge position. Trembuckers are designed for wider string most commonly associated with Floyd Rose or vintage vibrato bridges (often called Tremolos) with a string spacing of 2.070quot; or 52.6mm, measured center of high string to center of low string over the bridge pickup. Humbuckers are designed for bridges with traditional Gibson humbucker string spacing of 1.930quot; or 49mm, measured center of high string to center of low string over the bridge pickup. Humbucker spaced pickups work in both bridge and neck positions, even with a Trembucker-spaced bridge pickup. A quick and easy way to tell which you need is to measure from the middle of the high string to the middle of the low string, directly over the pickup. If the distance is greater than two inches or 50mm, go for a Trembucker. If it's less than two inches or 50mm, go for a humbucker.
Many thanks!
Sorry for bringing this up? Would there be much of a noticecable differance in tone if I use a regular spaced JB in the bridge of a floyd eqquiped guitar?
I've used both spacings of pickups in both spacings of bridges, and never noticed a difference tonally.
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:57
I bet you guys get this a lot...