
from : localhost/

Does that nut appear to have been glued back in place to anybody else?

Originally Posted by GuitaristDoes that nut appear to have been glued back in place to anybody else?


yeah, but shes a beaute!

Was all the excess glue around the edges what gave it away?

Yeah it does appear to be that way but, she looks absolutly stunning! Now I want I want damn you Guitarist!

Originally Posted by Guitarist from : localhost/

Does that nut appear to have been glued back in place to anybody else?

The guitar came that way from the factory, I´m pretty sure the seller is a JCF member and posted some of the same pics the day he got it, he was also curious about the strange clearcoat

Not bad for a pointy-headed guitar

O my. Tickles my fancy it does. Beautiful flame top.

I've seen one of those with p90s. Beautiful guitar.

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