
Well ladies and germs, it's time I inform you of some of my ideas.

I own an Epi Flying V, and I'm looking to spice things up a bit. I'm thinking I may route a new pickguard for it (out of what, I don't know.. wood, metal, celluloid, that'd be nice), and I'm also thinking of having a different layout for my V. I may have the guard routed so that there's only the bridge pup, and a single volume knob, shredder style. I absolutely never use the neck pup anymore (I'm taking the Jazz out soon and saving it for another guitar, in which I'll probably use the neck pup for), and I never use the tone, either. I may buy a new volume pot, and I'll probably do the Invader mod that Kac has told us about, and save all the other parts for whatever.

Anyways, what do you all think of this idea? I personally think it's pretty unique, and it'll make my guitar a whole lot simpler to get a tone out of.

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