
Can anyone help me narrow the choices down a bit when it comes to getting THE bridge pickup for my 1980 Les Paul Custom? The stock pickups squeal badly when I play at higher volumes through my Marshall 2203, so it's definitely time for a change.

The all-original band I'm in right now is going for an old-school punk/hard rock sound: sort of a Stones-Who-Stooges-Pistols-Ramones-AC/DC kind of train wreck. I'd like to retain some classic PAF-style sounds, but because I don't use many pedals at all, I could also use something with slightly higher output to push the front end of my amp. Would the '59 bucker be a little too tame for this? If so, which pup would be the next step up?

Thanks for the help!

Best, -Mike

hi mike

welcome to the forum!

i think a Custom 5 would get you there if you think a 59 isnt quite right ... alot of guys really love the duncan distortion too ...

and remember the 21 day return policy ... you can always return the pup to try a different one if it isnt quite right ...

good luck

I'd second that on a duncan distortion, similar sound to PAF's with more guts, although when the amp is set to a bit less gain, this pup can really drive that Overdrive. Great for AC/DC type rhythms.

I just bought some 59's for my ES 335 copy. The guitar had some dunan quot;designedquot; pickups on it. (i.e. Made in Korea). I really liked the overdrive of the stock pickups. They pushed my amp really well and were really fat sounding...but too muddy. No clarity. I purchased some 59s for the guitar and am not happy. I lost all ability to drive my amp (Marshall jcm 800 2205). I would not classify the 59's as quot;fatquot; sounding. I usually ran the gain on the hot channel on my Marshall at about 12:00 and got a great sound. The first (and only) gig I used the 59's I had to bring my gain up to 4:00..and then it got noisy and buzzy.

I want to replace the 59 in the bridge for sure and a few have recommended the Custom 5. HOwever, I'm now thinking that I might need to go even hotter in the bridge and maybe the C5 would be a better fit for the neck. Not sure.

Anyway, long story short..the 59's are NOT what your looking for. IMHO.

Interesting to hear you say that, kingsxman... I have an epiphone 335 and I'm on the verge of buying an SD bridge pup for it. The '59 was almost certainly what I was going to go for, as I too think the stock epis are too muddy. Do you think I should go for something a bit higher output (bearing in mind I want mine covered?) Clean and slightly overdriven sounds are as important to me as crunch and lead...


If it were me I'd be looking at 2 pups to get some bite and growl. The C5 (as T4D said) and the Custom.

Either of these is like a PAF on Steroids.

The C5 is going to have the same character as the 59, big lows and highs and a scooped, or neutral midrange

The Custom will have an aggressive edge across the tonal spectrum, it will also have some grind in the low end, pushed mids and good highs.

Both of these pups have the same coil config. but different magnets, so you can fine tune it later if you decide after 21 days you want something different.

Hope that helps!


So Luke, would you recommend the C5 for neck and Custom for bridge?

Also, how many times can you do the 21 day swap?

Jimbo, I'm searching myself so I'm not sure. I just know I need more crunch than the 59's are offering. The music my band plays is classic rock to some 90's rock with lots of 80's in between (but not hair metal 80's). I just want a fat thick tone thats not boomy on the bottom end.

59's should be fine for the type of music you mentioned. Pickups very similar to the 59's were in the SG AC/DC used to make all of thier classic recordings and most of the bands you mentioned used vintage output pickups. Lew

59 and C5. Get gold covers and pimp that ride!

Originally Posted by mikeyrsmithCan anyone help me narrow the choices down a bit when it comes to getting THE bridge pickup for my 1980 Les Paul Custom? The stock pickups squeal badly when I play at higher volumes through my Marshall 2203, so it's definitely time for a change.

The all-original band I'm in right now is going for an old-school punk/hard rock sound: sort of a Stones-Who-Stooges-Pistols-Ramones-AC/DC kind of train wreck. I'd like to retain some classic PAF-style sounds, but because I don't use many pedals at all, I could also use something with slightly higher output to push the front end of my amp. Would the '59 bucker be a little too tame for this? If so, which pup would be the next step up?

Thanks for the help!

Best, -MikeDD/59 set!
I just put these two in my black beauty LP and use a 2203ZW marshall and i love this set through it!

Originally Posted by Lewguitar59's should be fine for the type of music you mentioned. Pickups very similar to the 59's were in the SG AC/DC used to make all of thier classic recordings and most of the bands you mentioned used vintage output pickups. Lew

Hey Lew (and everyone!):

Thanks for the tips! I already have a '59 in the neck position of my Les Paul Classic. Great pickup! But I'm discovering that the stock ceramic bridge pickup in the Classic gets me closer to where I want to be, especially when I roll back the volume on the guitar a bit (full on it tends to be too over-the-top and quot;nu-metallicquot; for my tastes). So I guess I'm looking for something that's midway between a '59 and a Gibson 500T.

A good example of the guitar sound I'm after is on most of the quot;Saturday Night Feverquot; album by the Devil Dogs (long gone, sadly). Likewise anything by the Hellacopters, Mono Men, New Bomb Turks, etc. All wayyy more distorted, aggressive, and overamped than, say, the Stones ever were, but still instantly recognizeable as trad/punk rock.

Thanks again!


You might like the Duncan Custom then. Alot of LP players consider it thier favorite pickup in a Les Paul. It's 14.4K and uses a ceramic magnet. Great pickup in a Les Paul. Lew

And the winnah is: SH-5 Duncan Custom!

Can't wait until it arrives and I get 'er wired for sound.

Thanks again for all the info and advice.

Best, -Mike

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