
Having bought Lil' Screamin Demon for my USA Standard Fender 2002, I am ready to wire it by myself. In fact, it is my first time to do it. Now I have not opened my fender yet.
After downloading the diagram on SD's site, I am just having some questions.
1. In this diagram, it says that ' Green and Bare'. What does this 'Bare' mean. Does it mean ' do not do anything for this Green line, do not tape it off '? I found that beside the comment ' Green and Bare', there is a Ground Symbal. I got confused. Does this green line still need to be grounded?

2. After all the job completed, when I switch position 4, I wonder if my fender will still work by the middle single coil and the bridge Lil' Screamn Demon together? Like positon 2, both neck and middle work together.

Please help me clarify them,

Hello! The quot;Barequot; is the blank wire, which is soldered to the baseplate of the pickup. With this you can ground the pickup, but this doesn't mean the signal. It means grounding the metal parts.
For the signal you have to ground the green wire and connect the black wire to hot.
Of course you can reverse this, but duncans are usually wired this way, so that's the reason why there stands quot;green and barequot;.
When you don't ground the green wire, only the quot;barequot; (or the black vice versa), the pickup is not connected.

2. With another pickup you don't change anything with the position 4.
You will still have both pickups together, only the sound will change a bit, because with a humbucker and a single-coil you won't get the same quot;quackquot; or quot;strattyquot; tone like you have with two single-coils. And you will have hum.
For this case you can split the humbucker.
Hope this helps you.

Originally Posted by Inge MalmsteinHello! The quot;Barequot; is the blank wire, which is soldered to the baseplate of the pickup. With this you can ground the pickup, but this doesn't mean the signal. It means grounding the metal parts.
For the signal you have to ground the green wire and connect the black wire to hot.
Of course you can reverse this, but duncans are usually wired this way, so that's the reason why there stands quot;green and barequot;.
When you don't ground the green wire, only the quot;barequot; (or the black vice versa), the pickup is not connected.

2. With another pickup you don't change anything with the position 4.
You will still have both pickups together, only the sound will change a bit, because with a humbucker and a single-coil you won't get the same quot;quackquot; or quot;strattyquot; tone like you have with two single-coils. And you will have hum.
For this case you can split the humbucker.
Hope this helps you.

Thank you Inge.
It is clear.

Regarding your advice 2, do you mean that I can split the Single size hum in order to cancal the hum? I searched for the diagam of wire, and find the one:
from : localhost//website...ne_-w-spl.html.

In that case, could it go like the following------Position 1--neck picjup; position 2--neck and middle; position 3--middle; position 4, middel and one of splitted hum; position 5--full bridge hum.

If I do not split hum, the defference are position 4--middle and bridge together; position 5--full bridge hum.

Hi, do you think splitted diagram is a better solution than unsplit one?

Thank you in advance.

I have had a lil demon in my strat for years and I didnt wire it to split in positions 2amp;4 and I have no problems. I dont hear any noticeable hum,but I do think if you split the lil demon it may sound pretty weak.After all ,it is a very little HB.
Just my opinion.

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