hey, need some recording equipment advice.....
currently, i use a tascam 4-track cassette to record ideas and stuff with, but i would like to purchase something a little different. what i would like it to have:
digital or something that i can either burn straight to a cd or hook up to a computer to copy the stuff from the device to the computer
no less than 8 tracks
not a fortunethanks in advance!
Yamaha AW16G digital recorder with built in hard drive and CD R/W drive. Under $1,000. You can record 8 tracks (32 virtual tracks) at a time and burn directly to CD.
Use your 4-track as a preamp into your computer! You can record a stereo signal straight on through your sound card and get nice analoge compression/gain with the 4-track. I record all of my bands practices like this and get great results. I use Cakewalk Guitar Pro as my recording program thanks to alot of techno dj friends, I have almost every VST and other assorted plugins made to help out the recordings!
look for an ezbus with the adat card on ebay and add cake walk or cubase for about $500 or less-
Gives you a standalone mixer, 8 channels, eq compression on the board and something like 20 inputs- 2 are guitar ready, 2 are mic ready, it has pahantom power for mics and you can pretty much plug the whole band in here if you use inputs wisely- cheers
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:56
recording equipment question