
I put them back the way I had them in originaly 81 neck and 85 bridge. The magic is back! I just did'nt like the 81 in the bridge. The 85 sounded ok in the neck, but in this guitar(Washburn NX6 Paduak) the combo did'nt sound that great with the quot;recomendedquot; setup. This guitar, to me, has a bright but smooth tone, if that makes any sense. The 81 was very shrill. Now it has a fat singing tone. The 85 was a bit flabby in the neck and now it barks and crunches right through. I've tried NUMEROUS PUs in this axe and I believe I've found the combo I was looking for with this setup.

By the way, if you ever want to quot;swithquot; your pickups like I said I did in the title, Just grab them by their wires and swing them around the room real fast until they make a quot;swithingquot; noise!

I'm pretty happy with them setup quot;backwardsquot;, too

I definetly agree that the 81 is a great neck position humbucker, but I've never tried an 85 in the bridge, I better get on that.

Rock On

I did the exact same thing in a warmoth parts V that I used to have, but I always thought the 85 sounded better in both positions. Alas I never really did get to liking the active tone or the fact that axe was neck heavy so I traded it for an ESP seven stringer.

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