Hi ho ladies and gents,
As many of you know, I am the proud owner of an Epi 335 and am still pondering over what to do about the rubbishy bridge pup. A covered 59 seems my best bet, but I am open to thoughts about p90s and minihumbuckers.
HOWEVER, I have heard about mysterious creatures called p100s which I believe are similar in some ways to p90s, and yet also different.... can anyone shed light on these mythical beings?
P-90s and mini humbuckers are a different size than humbuckers and mounting those to a 335 will be a major hassle and I don't suggest even considering it. I don't remember exactly but I believe the P-100s were Gibson noise free P-90s. I do remember that they don't sound all that great.
If you want P-90 tone from that guitar get a pair of Phat Cats to avoid installation issues. As far as SD humbuckers are concerned you have quite a few great choices depending on what you want from that guitar. Just consider that an install on a 335 can be tricky and you may want to get some install suggestions or have it done by a pro.
Yeah, the guitar would be sent to a pro repairer to get the pup put in. As I say, from the kind of music I play it's probably gonna be a 59 or maybe a JB, a phat cat or some form of freaky customised minihumbucker-in-a-full-sized-cover (if such a thing were possible) are things I'm pondering, but not top of my list. Might have a look on the gibson site for stuff about the p100s - cheers man.
P-100's are Gibsons noise free p-90 (hum cancelling extra mag?). And I agree - compared to real P-90's they sound quot;okquot; and are quiet. I'd rather have the hum. I spend most of my time listening to the music - not electric noise clutter. If the tone is killer (which P-100's are not) it's even easier to ignore the hum. Crank up the gain and don't stop playing! Besides, the kids running wild in the house make more noise than the pups.
I have a pair of Phat Cats in my Epi Sheraton and they kill. great output and a ton of versatility. Heck, even the hum isn't that bad in a live situation.
Another great pickup for a semi would be the Seth Lover model. It's going to be a bit fatter in the mids than the 59, but it will have less lows and still retain great clarity in the treble frequencies.
Seth sounds like a good option, but cost would be an issue, as pups are more expensive this side of the pond. However, 21st birthday is this june....
Contact Lew. He might be able to work something out with you.
Only if he ships to the UK.... but cheers, I'll have a wee word with him!
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:56