
Anyone tried this? I'm thinking of building a Tele from pre-fab parts. I just got a Lite Ash Strat (comes standard with Alnico II Pros) and I fell in love with the tone. (The ash body probably has as much to do with the tone as the pickups, but whatever; best sound I ever had).

Anyway, to the point: Will the 59 allow me to shred (more classic rock/metal ala AC/DC, Iron Maiden than recent metal like Fozzy) when I need to without overpowering the APN2 in the neck too much? Does the Lil 59 split okay, or does it sound too thin?

My main guitar had been a Yamaha SBG-500 with a Super Distortion (with split) in the bridge and PAF pro in the neck. I loved this compared to most guitars I've ever played and I always killed the tone of anyone I jammed with, but I find it really sterile and quot;over the topquot; compared with the Alnico II Pro single coils in my new strat. I think I'm preferring a less hot sound these days. I definately prefer SC pups in the neck position, but the PAF Pro is pretty decent.

Alnico II Pro strat pups definately the best I've ever tried (didn't like lace sensors in another American strat; dumped it; guitar was a lemon anyway, wouldn't stay in tune, tremolo wouldn't stay quot;tightquot;). Really sensitive. They sound hotter than thier rating to me, but the tone is killer. Problem is I can't really shred when I need to, so I keep the Yamaha within reach. I definately don't want to screw with the strat in anyway, though.

Hence, the idea of building a tele with that great Alnico Pro II SC sound in the neck and a splitable Li'l 59 in the bridge.

Why not an APS in the neck combined with the Lil 59 at the bridge? Normally, a strat pickup won't fit into a tele without mods, but if you're building it from parts anyway..

I'm looking at a pre-fab body (mighty mite or similar well made ash body), but I guess I could route it out a bit more before finishing.

Do you think the Alnico II Pro tele neck will sound really different than the one in my strat? I probably don't want *exactly* the same sound, anyway. Otherwise I'd build a strat!

Thank for the input!

I much preffer strat neck pickups over their tele counterparts. A real tele neck pickup will sound kind of muffled and weak compared to a strat pickup.
BTW, don't worry about them sounding the same, the APS will probably be thicker and punchier sounding in a tele than a strat, due to the increased body mass and single cutaway.

Cool. I'll keep that in mind.

If you wanna listen to some soundclips, my luthier built a headless tele with that exact pickup configuration! Here's the link:

from : localhost/

Ooops, for some reason that file is in mp.4 format??? Try this link instead:

from : localhost/

Oh yeah who played/recorded that clip it's real nice and the sound quality is good unlike quite a few of the clips you get on here that clip and buzz ****. Nice!

I use the ap2h in my warmoth custom tele after i routed out the neck position for a humbucker, it balanced out pretty well. I was bored with the texas special neck i had with the lil 59 originally and i made things more interesting with different pickup wirings.

i havent used that guitar in a while because the saddles are knackered and am waiting for longer intonation screws for the replacement saddles

That's Graham Greene playing in those clips, the quot;Australian Steve Vaiquot;. He's played with Bon Jovi, Meatloaf etc. so he's pretty friggin' good, yeah Can't wait until he puts up clips of MY future guitar

Thanks everyone,

I'll have to check out that clip later, since mp3s are blocked though our firewall here at work. Looking forward to it, though. BTW beautiful tele. It reminds me of my '62 mustang with the blue (now nicotine green!) and aged perloid pickguard. My dad played that for years, but I cant get into it (feels like a toy to me) so its packed away in it's case here somewhere. (or maybe my brother scammed it again......)

I gotta try the pickups for myself; good tone is so subjective. But at least I know now that someone is using them in a tele with good results.

Pretty much decided to go with a full sized humbucker now. Proabably a PG or Alnico II Pro HB.

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