
hey guys- lately I've been getting rid of some stuff to try to fund a nice tube combo but I'm kinda debating on one item in particular- I have an old pa system that should still fetch at least 800-1000 bucks or so but dss3(jeff) brought out a good point, it could be very useful for band practices in the near future. But it also takes up a lot of room, and as of right now the quot;bandquot; is just me and a drummer and his guitar god friend who sometimes sits in but isn't part of the band(yet, muhaha). Just kinda debating here- sell pa system and instantly get amp of choice. Keep pa system and let it sit there while I slowly put money away and sell old college books and stuff. Waddya think?

More details on the PA perhaps? Give us some specs on it.

Now...I didn't know you could get THAT much for it. SELL THAT THING! Pick up a powered speaker, like one of the 350 watt 15quot; Behringer's; it'll be find for a band situation for vocals! You'd have a good 500-700 left over, and could get the amp with that!

Haha, well you gotta understand- it's huge and LOUD. I don't remember the model or specs, I'll have to go down to the basement tomorrow and check. But basically it's two huge speakers(not the type on stands- more like really thick cabs with a woofer, tweeter and horn thing in each) and an 8 channel powered mixer. When they tore down grandpas studio I ended up getting it, a few nice mics(two sm57s and a u87), and a tube bass amp head. The bass amp is a sunn and I've never heard it before since I don't have a cab for it but I don't want to sell it just yet since I know they've been out of production for a while. I think the pa system is loud enough to easily play shows though. the only time I actually hooked it up to the speakers we got calls from the whole neigborhood complaining of noise. I remember maybe a month before the studio was torn down gramps tried to sell it to my friend for 1200 even and it's been a while since then so that's where I got my price estimate :P

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