Need to combine 100 email addesses in separate rows (in Excel) into one cell,
separated by comma, so I can do mass mail. Formula I'm trying won't work.
hi Miki Jo
You can use code or a function like this to do it
Regards Ron de Bruin
www.rondebruin.nlquot;Miki Joquot; lt;Miki gt; wrote in message ...
gt; Need to combine 100 email addesses in separate rows (in Excel) into one cell,
gt; separated by comma, so I can do mass mail. Formula I'm trying won't work.
Function ConCatRange(CellBlock As Range) As String
Dim cell As Range
Dim sbuf As String
For Each cell In CellBlock
If Len(cell.text) gt; 0 Then sbuf = sbuf amp; cell.text amp; quot;,quot;
ConCatRange = Left(sbuf, Len(sbuf) - 1)
End Function
usage would be =ConCatRange(A1:A100)Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:41:29 -0800, Miki Jo lt;Miki gt;
gt;Need to combine 100 email addesses in separate rows (in Excel) into one cell,
gt;separated by comma, so I can do mass mail. Formula I'm trying won't work.
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
combine rows into one cell separated by comma