D7 has a dropdown list with customer names (10 -12 customers). F16 thru F38
each have a dropdown list with a vlookup of a products list. Infomation in
columns H thru L are dependent on the product that is shown in cells F16 thru
F38 for unit size, price and extended price. The dilema is that all of the
customers do not have the same pricing. How can I make the cells in F-16
thru F-38 reflect the product and all the associated pricing info for which
ever customer I select from the dropdown list? Can it be done? Pete
You need to create separate lists for each customer and name them
(Insertgt;Namegt;define...), probably with the customer name, and then in
dependent Data Validation use a type of List, and a formula of =INDIRECT(D4)
where D4 is the initial Data Validation cell.
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
quot;Pete Elbertquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; D7 has a dropdown list with customer names (10 -12 customers). F16 thru
gt; each have a dropdown list with a vlookup of a products list. Infomation in
gt; columns H thru L are dependent on the product that is shown in cells F16
gt; F38 for unit size, price and extended price. The dilema is that all of
gt; customers do not have the same pricing. How can I make the cells in F-16
gt; thru F-38 reflect the product and all the associated pricing info for
gt; ever customer I select from the dropdown list? Can it be done? Pete
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
Multiple customers that have different price quotes