I have a spreadsheet where I want to separate out all rows where Column
X is any one of 5 or 6 values, but keep the remaining data intact minus
the separated rows. I have a program to do that and I want to move the
selected rows out to another worksheet, which I guess I could do by
Dimquot;ingquot; the two separate worksheets. Then I want to run the rest of
the conversion program as normal, but on both worksheets and with
slightly different requirements. However most of it will be the same.
The differences will be that a few columns on the first worksheet will
be uniformly filled with say quot;BRquot;, quot;1200quot; etc, whereas on the 2nd
worksheet these same columns will have quot;SIquot;, and quot; (customer code)quot;, a
variable decided by the original values in Column X. What's the best
way to get the one single macro to run through both worksheets with
those minor changes?
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
Diverging macro between two worksheets