I have a set of 13 databases containing annual company information, that
I would like to match. Each database contains a column of company
identification codes and a wide variety of variables for each year,
such as monthly returns, market capitalization etc. I want to match the
13 databases into one database, which is sorted on company codes.
However, the number of companies differs for each year, since some are
liquidated or merged during the course of the year, while others are
founded later in the sample period, such that they do not appear in the
first databases (the variation in codes is quite big). Normally, I would
use pivot tables to match these kind of databases. However, due to the
size of the databases (around 2000 entries each) and the large amount
of variables in each of the databases this is only possible for about 3
databases at a time, that must be matched manually afterwards. Since
this gets very time-consuming, I hope that someone knows a less
cumbersome solution (either in excel or another software package).
Thanks in advance,
RonaldP's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=34620
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- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
How Do I Match Databases?