Hello. When I hightlight some cells, I used to get a sum total in bottom
right hand corner. Now, after a change in computer and supposedly same
functionality, I can't turn this feature on? I've tried right-clicking in
the bottom panel to no avail?
if you right click your mouse in the bottom panel, near where it says
'ready', amp; select sum
This should work
Sallyquot;Barb Bquot; wrote:
gt; Hello. When I hightlight some cells, I used to get a sum total in bottom
gt; right hand corner. Now, after a change in computer and supposedly same
gt; functionality, I can't turn this feature on? I've tried right-clicking in
gt; the bottom panel to no avail?
gt; bb
Did you select more than one cell that had numeric data?
Barb B wrote:
gt; Hello. When I hightlight some cells, I used to get a sum total in bottom
gt; right hand corner. Now, after a change in computer and supposedly same
gt; functionality, I can't turn this feature on? I've tried right-clicking in
gt; the bottom panel to no avail?
gt; bb
Dave Peterson
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
When i highlight cells, I USED to get total in bottom rt corner?