I am creating a spreadsheet using matrices that allows you to add
pre-defined transformations to a triangle. I have a problem with
circular references because my macros have to copy and paste a lot of
calculations. for example the 'current coordinates of image' is a
formula mixing the original coordinates of the image with the current
matrix. Unfortunately this means that if i try and add more than one
transformation (which means the current cooridnates must be copied to
the original coordinates) i get the current coordinates trying to
divide by themselves.
Essentially what i need is a way of making the spreadsheet only copy
the answer to the formula not the calculation. I dont need it to be
live updated. is there a way of achieving this? I am new to excel and
VBA and am creating this spreadsheet for a school project. I can email,
post screenshots and provide more information if anyone can help me in
the slightest, i hope it is somethign obvious that im just missing.
Thanking you in advance.--
kirby_t07's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32835
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=526324kirby, you could use something like this,
Sheet2.Range(quot;B1:B20quot;).Value = Sheet1.Range(quot;A1:A20quot;).Value--
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 amp; 2003
quot;kirby_t07quot; gt; wrote
in message ...
gt; I am creating a spreadsheet using matrices that allows you to add
gt; pre-defined transformations to a triangle. I have a problem with
gt; circular references because my macros have to copy and paste a lot of
gt; calculations. for example the 'current coordinates of image' is a
gt; formula mixing the original coordinates of the image with the current
gt; matrix. Unfortunately this means that if i try and add more than one
gt; transformation (which means the current cooridnates must be copied to
gt; the original coordinates) i get the current coordinates trying to
gt; divide by themselves.
gt; Essentially what i need is a way of making the spreadsheet only copy
gt; the answer to the formula not the calculation. I dont need it to be
gt; live updated. is there a way of achieving this? I am new to excel and
gt; VBA and am creating this spreadsheet for a school project. I can email,
gt; post screenshots and provide more information if anyone can help me in
gt; the slightest, i hope it is somethign obvious that im just missing.
gt; Thanking you in advance.
gt; --
gt; kirby_t07
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; kirby_t07's Profile:
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=526324
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
Copying a calculations answer and not the calculation