
How can I sum the total numbers contained in one column based on dates in
another column?
Example: I need the total of 5 units sold int the month of January 2006. I
have the sale ammounts in one column and the closing dates in another.
What forumla would I use for this?
Thanks in advance for any help.=SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH(B2:B50)=1),--(YEAR(B2:B50)=2006),A2:A50)

for January

change 1 in the month part to a different month


Peo Sjoblom

Northwest Excel Solutions

(remove ^^ from email address)

Portland, Oregon

quot;Alanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; How can I sum the total numbers contained in one column based on dates in
gt; another column?
gt; Example: I need the total of 5 units sold int the month of January 2006. I
gt; have the sale ammounts in one column and the closing dates in another.
gt; What forumla would I use for this?
gt; Thanks in advance for any help.
If I understand correctly what you need, then use SUMIF function.

For example, if you have dates in column A and amounts in column B, the
formula will look like:


Month_You_Need is the month for which you want to add the amounts. If
your dates are in a date format (not months or month numbers), you
would want to convert them into month numbers first. So, you would add
a new column, say C, and enter formula MONTH(Cell A) into it. Then,
your SUMIF function will look like this:


where Month_You_Need will be a number of the month you need (w/out quot;quot;).--
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Alan wrote:
gt; How can I sum the total numbers contained in one column based on dates in
gt; another column?
gt; Example: I need the total of 5 units sold int the month of January 2006. I
gt; have the sale ammounts in one column and the closing dates in another.
gt; What forumla would I use for this?
gt; Thanks in advance for any help.


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