I would like to take information that is one column but over 2000 rows and
move it into the A1 cell, but separated by commas. So instead of separation
by rows, make it separation by commas. How do I do this?
You can do this by macro
Sub AddCommas()
Set DataRange = Application.InputBox(quot;Select dataquot;, , , , , , , 8)
Set TargetCell = Application.InputBox(quot;Select target cellquot;, , , , , , ,
For Each Cell In DataRange
TargetString = TargetString amp; quot;,quot; amp; Cell.Value
TargetString = Right(TargetString, Len(TargetString) - 1)
TargetCell.Value = TargetString
End SubMartin--
mrice's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=10931
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=533188This can also quickly be done via Word. Copy to Word, convert table to text,
and use Edit, Replace in Word to replace paragraph mark with comma. Copy to
quot;msdkerquot; wrote:
gt; I would like to take information that is one column but over 2000 rows and
gt; move it into the A1 cell, but separated by commas. So instead of separation
gt; by rows, make it separation by commas. How do I do this?
In cell B1 put
and formula copy that to the end of your data
then take cell B2, copy, and paste special = Values into A1
delete all other rows and column B
msdker Wrote:
gt; I would like to take information that is one column but over 2000 rows
gt; and
gt; move it into the A1 cell, but separated by commas. So instead of
gt; separation
gt; by rows, make it separation by commas. How do I do this?--
Bryan Hessey
Bryan Hessey's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=21059
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=533188This is the one! This was super easy. I kept thinking that I know I can
choose characters from a list with find and replace and I had forgotten that
I can do it in Word! Thanks!
quot;Martin Pquot; wrote:
gt; This can also quickly be done via Word. Copy to Word, convert table to text,
gt; and use Edit, Replace in Word to replace paragraph mark with comma. Copy to
gt; Excel.
gt; quot;msdkerquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I would like to take information that is one column but over 2000 rows and
gt; gt; move it into the A1 cell, but separated by commas. So instead of separation
gt; gt; by rows, make it separation by commas. How do I do this?
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:09