I am making a spreadsheet to record compeditive times in an autocross.
Colums a,b,and c, contain respectively driver number, driver name and
car number. More than one driver can drive the same car. Colums
d,e,f,and g contain additional data. column H contains imput of each
driver's time.
I have used SMALL(h2:h39,1) and SMALL(h2:h39,2) etc. to determine the
fastest times in order. This gives me the fastest times in order, Then
below that, use MATCH( cell where quot;smallquot; is,a2:b39,0etc) to match
driver number and name to fastest time. I have the problem of a tie in
time. Small picks the tieing times and records them but quot;smallquot; and
quot;matchquot; only go back to the first driver number/name. I want the
second member of the tie to show up in second location. I'm trying to
avoid a macro for simplicity sake. Please help. Thanks--
rduffey's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32997
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=528215Assuming that A2:H39 contains the data, try the following...
I2, copied down:
=RANK(H2,$H$2:$H$39,1) COUNTIF($H$2:H2,H2)-1
K2, copied down and to Column L:
=IF(ROWS(K$2:K2)lt;=$J$1,INDEX(A$2:A$39,MATCH(ROWS(K $2:K2),$I$2:$I$39,0)),quot;
M2, copied down:
=IF(ROWS(M$2:M2)lt;=$J$1,INDEX(H$2:H$39,MATCH(ROWS(M $2:M2),$I$2:$I$39,0)),quot;
Hope this helps!
In article gt;,
rduffey gt; wrote:
gt; I am making a spreadsheet to record compeditive times in an autocross.
gt; Colums a,b,and c, contain respectively driver number, driver name and
gt; car number. More than one driver can drive the same car. Colums
gt; d,e,f,and g contain additional data. column H contains imput of each
gt; driver's time.
gt; I have used SMALL(h2:h39,1) and SMALL(h2:h39,2) etc. to determine the
gt; fastest times in order. This gives me the fastest times in order, Then
gt; below that, use MATCH( cell where quot;smallquot; is,a2:b39,0etc) to match
gt; driver number and name to fastest time. I have the problem of a tie in
gt; time. Small picks the tieing times and records them but quot;smallquot; and
gt; quot;matchquot; only go back to the first driver number/name. I want the
gt; second member of the tie to show up in second location. I'm trying to
gt; avoid a macro for simplicity sake. Please help. Thanks
Thanks, Domenic.
Looks like your solution will work great for me. Now I've got some
expanding and cleaning to do.--
rduffey's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32997
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=528215
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:09