
I have two tables, one of them contents database of received material amp;
other one is the summery of that sheet. The unique field name in both the
sheet is quot;im_code
quot; amp;quot;im_invrtquot;. Now i wish to pull the latest quot;im_invrtquot; from the database
sheet for the given criteria of quot;im_codequot; in the summery sheet. I have tried
this by using DGET / DMAX function. but the value returns #NUM!.
Both the sheets are looks like :
Sheet Dbase contents
GR700144ATM0093100626.0205/04/2006 07:45:01 AM
GR700147ATM009360726.0205/04/2006 07:54:49 AM
GR700148PTM074820642.7205/04/2006 07:57:11 AM
GR700152ATM009340626.0205/04/2006 09:22:23 AM
GR700185ATM076240626.0205/04/2006 06:09:43 PM
GR700193PTM074839650.7205/04/2006 06:45:37 PM
GR700185ATM076257642.7207/04/2006 04:19:33 PM
And Sheet Summery contents :
ATM0093=DGET(DBASE!$A$1:$E$8,quot;IM_INVRTquot;,SUMMERY!$A$1:$A$4 )
Is their any solution to pull the latest data (i.e quot;im_invrtquot;) in the
desired rows.
Vikram P. Dhemare

Not pretty sure what you want exactly. You may sort your worksheet first and
let the latest data (i.e quot;im_invrtquot;) at the last row. You can use macro to
select the last row or the a range of row which fall on the same date
(quot;im_invrtquot; is the same).

quot;Vikram Dhemarequot; wrote:

gt; Hi,
gt; I have two tables, one of them contents database of received material amp;
gt; other one is the summery of that sheet. The unique field name in both the
gt; sheet is quot;im_code
gt; quot; amp;quot;im_invrtquot;. Now i wish to pull the latest quot;im_invrtquot; from the database
gt; sheet for the given criteria of quot;im_codequot; in the summery sheet. I have tried
gt; this by using DGET / DMAX function. but the value returns #NUM!.
gt; Both the sheets are looks like :
gt; Sheet Dbase contents
gt; doc_noim_codeim_qtyim_invrtdate_stmp
gt; GR700144ATM0093100626.0205/04/2006 07:45:01 AM
gt; GR700147ATM009360726.0205/04/2006 07:54:49 AM
gt; GR700148PTM074820642.7205/04/2006 07:57:11 AM
gt; GR700152ATM009340626.0205/04/2006 09:22:23 AM
gt; GR700185ATM076240626.0205/04/2006 06:09:43 PM
gt; GR700193PTM074839650.7205/04/2006 06:45:37 PM
gt; GR700185ATM076257642.7207/04/2006 04:19:33 PM
gt; And Sheet Summery contents :
gt; im_codeim_invrt
gt; ATM0093=DGET(DBASE!$A$1:$E$8,quot;IM_INVRTquot;,SUMMERY!$A$1:$A$4 )
gt; PTM0748#NUM!
gt; ATM0762#NUM!
gt; Is their any solution to pull the latest data (i.e quot;im_invrtquot;) in the
gt; desired rows.
gt; --
gt; Thanks,
gt; Vikram P. Dhemare

What I want is the latest rate from the DBASE sheet for that particular part
would be displayed in the summery sheet (subsequent col. for each part no.).
Is there any excel function something like quot;GETPIVOTDATAquot; function.
I don't know much about macros.
Vikram P. Dhemarequot;Annaquot; wrote:

gt; Not pretty sure what you want exactly. You may sort your worksheet first and
gt; let the latest data (i.e quot;im_invrtquot;) at the last row. You can use macro to
gt; select the last row or the a range of row which fall on the same date
gt; (quot;im_invrtquot; is the same).
gt; quot;Vikram Dhemarequot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hi,
gt; gt; I have two tables, one of them contents database of received material amp;
gt; gt; other one is the summery of that sheet. The unique field name in both the
gt; gt; sheet is quot;im_code
gt; gt; quot; amp;quot;im_invrtquot;. Now i wish to pull the latest quot;im_invrtquot; from the database
gt; gt; sheet for the given criteria of quot;im_codequot; in the summery sheet. I have tried
gt; gt; this by using DGET / DMAX function. but the value returns #NUM!.
gt; gt; Both the sheets are looks like :
gt; gt; Sheet Dbase contents
gt; gt; doc_noim_codeim_qtyim_invrtdate_stmp
gt; gt; GR700144ATM0093100626.0205/04/2006 07:45:01 AM
gt; gt; GR700147ATM009360726.0205/04/2006 07:54:49 AM
gt; gt; GR700148PTM074820642.7205/04/2006 07:57:11 AM
gt; gt; GR700152ATM009340626.0205/04/2006 09:22:23 AM
gt; gt; GR700185ATM076240626.0205/04/2006 06:09:43 PM
gt; gt; GR700193PTM074839650.7205/04/2006 06:45:37 PM
gt; gt; GR700185ATM076257642.7207/04/2006 04:19:33 PM
gt; gt; And Sheet Summery contents :
gt; gt; im_codeim_invrt
gt; gt; ATM0093=DGET(DBASE!$A$1:$E$8,quot;IM_INVRTquot;,SUMMERY!$A$1:$A$4 )
gt; gt; PTM0748#NUM!
gt; gt; ATM0762#NUM!
gt; gt; Is their any solution to pull the latest data (i.e quot;im_invrtquot;) in the
gt; gt; desired rows.
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; Thanks,
gt; gt; Vikram P. Dhemare

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