I am finding that with the below calculation I am finding that SUMPRODUCT is
obtaining the wrong # of items. I have a column with 12 names that are
issuing this command for each command, some of the names it works, some it
doesn't - has anyone seen this before...
=SUMPRODUCT(--('worksheet1'!AD2:AD2000=quot;BUTTONquot;),--('worksheet1'!U2:U2000=quot;LATITUDE C610quot;))
When I use the quot;FILTERquot; on the spreadsheet I actually get the correct # - is
there something I am doing wrong?
The first thing I'd check is the referenced ranges. Does the data list stop
at row 2000 or is there data below that row?
Does that help?
XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;msbutton27quot; wrote:
gt; I am finding that with the below calculation I am finding that SUMPRODUCT is
gt; obtaining the wrong # of items. I have a column with 12 names that are
gt; issuing this command for each command, some of the names it works, some it
gt; doesn't - has anyone seen this before...
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--('worksheet1'!AD2:AD2000=quot;BUTTONquot;),--('worksheet1'!U2:U2000=quot;LATITUDE C610quot;))
gt; When I use the quot;FILTERquot; on the spreadsheet I actually get the correct # - is
gt; there something I am doing wrong?
I figured out after viewing at for the 100th time that I was referencing two
different worksheets for the values below - THanks
quot;msbutton27quot; wrote:
gt; I am finding that with the below calculation I am finding that SUMPRODUCT is
gt; obtaining the wrong # of items. I have a column with 12 names that are
gt; issuing this command for each command, some of the names it works, some it
gt; doesn't - has anyone seen this before...
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--('worksheet1'!AD2:AD2000=quot;BUTTONquot;),--('worksheet1'!U2:U2000=quot;LATITUDE C610quot;))
gt; When I use the quot;FILTERquot; on the spreadsheet I actually get the correct # - is
gt; there something I am doing wrong?
- Mar 09 Fri 2007 20:36
SUMPRODUCT is showing wrong Amount